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Why now? Why here? Why today? We've been warned about this day to come. The news was firing at us with all these news, that they thought were fake, but it's real, it's truly real.

Now, I don't know what to do. All I can think about is staying in this crouched position in school, crying and shaking. My teachers are gone with the other students evacuating the building like we would do in our drills. Slowly, very slowly. I'm under the stairs, close to the exit, but I'm too scared to leave.

Life, I'm scared, I've always been scared. I'm scared that the world will fall apart. I'm scared I'll never see my family again. Will I see them again? Is the world really ending, or is it just my city?

Why didn't we listen? I didn't fully live you yet. I'm still 15, and I never got my chance yet. All the other adults did, and the people under 20 didn't.

There is someone there. I can see the shadows going down the stares as I peer behind it. This shadow was a human figure's shadow, but now a bunch of tentacles are coming out of it's back, like Slenderman's!

I gasp at the sight, causing the shadow of the figure to look in my direction. I ran towards the nearest exit and fled the building. What was that? Is it fast and will it catch me.

Now that I'm out of the school, I can see what's really going on. What are those things in the sky? They look like UFOs but different. I wouldn't consider that these are aliens, but they sure do look like the type.

Those human like figures have those tentacles like I mentioned before. Some what appear to be soldiers have light blue skin. Totally unnatural. The other non-soldier looking ones have natural skin tones. I'm literally freaking out!

Still running and I see the exit sign of the city. One of those things noticed me and called me out while I'm sprinting to the exit, but it sounded like I was a needed human or something. The other soldiers let go of the humans they had a grip on, and charged towards me. Am I important or something?

Almost there to the exit. Why am I so important to them? They're still running after me, while I already hit stamina, I'm still sprinting. I made it past the exit and look behind me. Those things aren't going past the border of the city, they're just standing there. Why?

I sigh in relief and walk down the road opposite of the place I once called home. Where do I go now? Am I an orphan? What about my family? Why did they let go of the other humans and head straight towards me? Am I special? I'm over thinking this.

I made it in a field filled with old car pieces. I find a car seat that's open. If I'm in a field, I know I'm far from home, way far. I lay on the still soft fabric and try to get some sleep.

I wish there was a fire to keep me warm. Ohio has been cold lately.

Before I fell asleep, I felt something warm in front of me, like heat. I flutter my eyes open to see a small fire in front of me. Did I do that? Did I just think it and it happened? No, that's impossible. Well, it could be, I mean, I just saw a bunch of those things hours ago!

The heat is keeping me warm, and I assume I'm safe. I think I should get some sleep, and find a near by town when I wake up. I'm praying that in the future, I can save my parents and maybe the whole city before it's too late. But, I already feel like it is. No, I have to try. No matter how scared I am I'll go back, stronger and more confident.

I need to fight for my city, and I'll do anything to get it back. A little training is all I need.

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