On the wedding day

Izuku stood at the altar nervous with his brother All Might being his best man. The two looked so out of place as a family due to the size difference and the image of a bulky blond being related to a fit but smaller stature dark haired boy. As the music started, the door opened to see Ochako and Momo being escorted into the chapel with their fathers. Shuromo was proud as anything, while Maruki held back the urge to cry that his little girl was getting married. Once all three were at the altar, the pastor started his sermon for the marriage. Everything was quiet as they began saying their vows to each other. Ochako had gone first with looking at the two. "Izuku, we've known each other for most of our lives. You have been my friend, my saviour on some occasions, and a big motivation for my dreams and goals. When I was finally able to call you my lover, it filled my heart with joy for this day. That also includes you Momo" She turned to Momo and started. "Though we may not have started on the right foot Momo, I'm happy to be standing here with you. You're smart and caring just like Izuku. If I could pick anyone to share a life partner with, I'm proud it's you. I hope that we both will find happiness with the man we love."

Momo was the next to speak. "Izuku, I apologize if we started on the wrong foot. If I could do anything different, I would have met you and Ochako sooner. You are an amazing person who shows compassion regardless of it needing to be shown. I hope our lives together stand as something I will cherish for the rest of our lives." Momo looked over to Ochako. "If any word on how we first met could sum how apologetic I am for giving you the wrong impression, it would be I'm sorry and that my intentions were never anything fowl. Learning how it is to be in a relationship with you has been something I will always cherish. I want this to work and am happy that you are willing to help make this work as well. With this, I am proud to be someone that stands with you beside the man we both love."

Izuku finally spoke after this to the both of them first. "I am happy you both are willing to make this work. You have no idea how happy this makes me." Izuku turned to Ochako first. "I can't tell you when I first had feelings for you Ochako. As long as I've known you, I always cared for you like nobody else. The day you accepted my offer to be in a relationship with me was one of the most beautiful moments in my life. I cannot tell you how happy this day makes me." Izuku now turned to Momo. "The day my mother told me of how things turned out, I was worried what the three of us will have to overcome. I was scared you were never going to be happy with me, so I wanted to first know how you felt about this. But after spending time with you, I began to fall in love again with you. If I had to pick and choose between you and Ochako, I don't think I could. You both are special in my life and hold a place in my heart. I love you both and will always from now till the end of time."

The pastor had stated that he now pronounced them man and wives after this and that they may kiss. But right before they did, the stained glass near the door broke open with Bakugou clearly angry. "I FUCKING OBJECT TO THIS SHITTY WEDDING!!! DEKU YOU BASTARD! YOU'RE NOT GETTING A BITCH BEFORE ME!" Bakugou sent a shot at Izuku and practically destroyed the front of the church with everyone screaming and running away. "Let me get this straight. You crashed through a beautiful stained glass window, caused mass destruction of a sacred building, nearly BLEW MY WIVES UP FOR YOUR OWN FUCKING EGO!?" Electricity was starting to be thrown off Izuku as Ochako, Momo, and the priest were behind a shield Momo made at the last second. "Let me show you WHY YOU YOU NEVER SAY YOU OBJECT TO A WEDDING!" Izuku made a small ball of electricity in his hand from Bakugou's point of view, Izuku vanishes in a flash of light before his fist clad in electricity and is slammed into Bakugou's stomach for it to explode. The discharge sends him flying out the other window shattering it with his head. Izuku stood up while patting his hands knowing his job was done. "And DON'T come to the reception."

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