Long Live The Reckless And The Brave

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Karlee told me to update. Thank her. Mkay. Here's your chapter, butt face. I should make more Frick frack to make you uncomfortable... not like our rp characters haven't Frick fracked before, but oh well...
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Jack's POV

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"Mmm, pizza." I mumbled.

"Mmm, pizza." Alex replied. I looked at the empty box of pizza and kicked it across the room.

"Now what?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Dunno..." he said.

"My mom is not gonna be home until like... midnight. And it's only three in the afternoon." I replied. "We're literally sitting on the kitchen floor, eating pizza, on a Tuesday afternoon."

"... Your mom and May are gone until midnight with my mom doing who knows what, and we're all alone in your house...." he glanced at me and his face turned red.

"Super Mario Bros?" I asked.

"Super Mario Bros." He nodded.

"I'll call Rian and Zack." I told him.

"I'll call Tay and more pizza." He added. We both made our phone calls before I walked to my stereo and put in a Volbeat CD. Tay got to my house first, followed by Zack, and then Rian. I hooked up my game before we started playing. Around eight, Tay and Zack left, then around nine, Rian left.

"Hey, what day is it?" I asked.

"Um... December first?" He said awkwardly before grabbing his phone to check. "Yeah." I nodded.

"We leave for vacation like... tomorrow." I leaned back.  He smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Good. That means I'll get to cuddle you when I'm cold." He smiled.

"You already do that." I chuckled. He laughed.

"Still..." he kissed my jaw. I blushed and looked at him. "Let's go to bed so we can get up early tomorrow." He stood up. I text my mom and told her we were going to bed before shutting my phone off and curling up on my bed. Alex curled up against me kissed my neck. We didn't go to sleep right away.


"Jack, get up." Someone poked my cheek. I swatted the hand away and pulled the blanket over my head. "Jaaaaaack."

"What...?" I mumbled.

"You rolled mom has a surprise for you. Get up." Alex poked me again.

"My dick feels weird." I groaned and rolled onto my stomach.

"So does my mouth. Now get up." He shoved me. I fell off the bed and groaned before flipping him off. He chuckled.

"Okay, I'm awake." I said and sat up.

"Put on some pants and go downstairs." He told me. I sighed and stood up. When I got pants on, he pulled me down the steps.

"Finally, you're awake." Mom said. I yawned. "Did Alex tell you I have a surprise?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Close your eyes and hold your hand out." She said. I did as I was told before something fell into my hands. I opened my eyes and saw new, shiny car keys.

"No, you didn't." I said in denial and ran over to the door to see a brand new, shiny, red 2005 Chevy Camero. My jaw dropped and i walked over to it. I opened the driver door and sat in it.

Wish We Could Start All Over (Jalex- All Time Low)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt