Let's Get Away

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Alex's POV

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" Hey, so... next winter, do you wanna go with me and my mom and May on vacation?" Jack asked at lunch one day. I shrugged.

" If I'm allowed." I replied.

It'd been a month since we got together, and a month since the world found out I have a boyfriend. Most of the stuff was normal now. Beau dropped out if school, though. Most joked that I scared him off, but I know the real reason is that he gave up trying because he wasn't popular anymore.

"You know, we haven't even thought about a new song." Zack said.

" Yeah, but with school and stuff it's so stressful." I mumbled.

" Especially since it's the end of the year." Jack added. " We only have a month and a half of school left. Then it's summer."

"Which means parties!" Rian exclaimed happily. We all cheered except for Jack.

" I don't party. I'm more of a 'sit on my couch and play video games and drink soda' kind of person." He said. I laughed.

" Cute. He thinks we go to real parties" I smiled.

" Ha!" Zack laughed loudly. "No, no, no. We all pick a house, usually mine, and we cram into the basement with either soda or liquor,  and we badly play video games or instruments, and get obnoxious."

" Its true." I said and grabbed his hand. He laced his fingers with mind and laughed.

" So, basically, like a nerd party." Jack asked. We all nodded. He laughed again before there was an intercom that silenced everyone.

" Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat to the office please. Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth." The voice said. We both grumbled and stood up, walking from the room. When we got to the office, both my mon and his were standing there.

" Hello...?" Jack said.

"We're having an early vacation." My mom said.

" Really?" Jack asked. Th eyes nodded before we all left. We stopped at Jack's house first.

" Pack for a week." His mom said. We walked to his room and he started packing while I text Zack and Rian and told them.

" I'm ready." He told me. We walked down and saw May was packed, too. Then we got to my house and I packed. We all crammed into one car and started somewhere.

" Where are we going?" Jack asked.

"England." Mom said. "Alex, your grandmum wanted to see us, plus I was talking to Joyce and she said that she was planning an early vacation for them, so we decided to go to England as a group."

"England..." I looked at her in shock. She gave my a slightly sympathetic look.

" Yes, Alex. It won't be as bad as you think." She assured. Jack took my hand.

" It'll be okay." He told me. I nodded and smiled slightly. We got to the airport quickly and all got on the plane. After the impossibly long fly, we landed. I looked and saw Jack sound asleep and poked him.

" Jack, time to get up." I said. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly.

" You sure?" He asked. I chuckled and nodded.

" Yes. Come on, cutie." I poked his cheek. He yawned and sat up as we all began to  unbutton out seatbelts. We all grabbed our bags and got off the plane. My mom called a cab to my grandma's house and we got there early that morning.  My grandma hugged me tightly when I walked in, and I laughed and hugged her back.

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