They're Coming To Get Me

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Jack's POV

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"Dudes, it's literally almost summer vacation." Rian walked behind us the day we got back to school and wrapped his arms around us. We laughed. "How was England?"

"Alex knocked someone out." I chuckled. Alex blushed and hid his face.

"But I had reason..." he defended. "And, the guy hit me first."

"Oh god, Alex." Rian laughed. "So we got a new student. He's British. Names Josh."

"Really?"  Alex asked. Rian nodded and we headed to class.

"So, besides punching people, anything exciting happen?" Rian asked when we sat down in class.

"My mom walked in and saw my butt." Alex laughed. I blushed and laughed.

"I saw a TARDIS box." I mused.

" Nerd alert." Alex teased. "Nothing really happened, actually. Saw some old friends. Thats it."

"We had a comfortable bed. And Alex's grandma is really cool." I added. I glanced up and saw someone walk in the door and just about screamed. Rian looked and smiled.

" That's the new kid. Hey, Josh. Come here." He called the guy over. I turned slightly so I couldn't look at him.

" Hey." His accent spoke.

" Hi. I'm the other British kid in school." Alex smiled.

" You're British? " Josh sounded confused.

" Yeah. I've been here for ten years though." He added.

" Who's your shy friend here?" Josh asked.

" Shy?" He looked at me. I gave him a soft smile. "What are you doing?" He chuckled.

" Nothing in particular. Avoiding eye contact." I mumbled.

" Why? I know you aren't that shy..." he said.

" I'll pass." I said, drumming my fingers on the desk.

"Jack..." he turned to me fully.

" Nothing..." I avoided and looked away.

" Stop hiding then..." he looked pissed off. My heart clenched and I stood up and stormed out of the room. I got down the hall some and had to lean on the wall. My hands shook and my head spun while I stood there in shock. "Jack! What the hell?"

"A-Alex, I can't go in there..." I said, digging my nails into my palms.

"Jack..." he stopped a few feet away.

"Don't make me go in there..." I pleaded, blinking back tears.

"What's going on?" Another voice said and I looked to see Josh walking to us. I caught eye contact and turned from him.

"Alex, I need to go home..." I whispered.

"Babe, tell me what's going on..." he pleaded and stood in front of me. I shook my head.

" I can't..." I choked. He sighed slightly and wrapped his arms around me. He said something to Josh, who stood still.

" I'm gonna take you to the office... you can call your mom and she'll come pick you up and I'll come by your house as soon as school is out. When you get home, take an anxiety pill and go to sleep. Remember, deep breaths." He told me. I nodded before he led me from the hall.

Alex's POV

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We got to the office and he sat in one of the chairs while I walked to the desk to talk to the secretary.

Wish We Could Start All Over (Jalex- All Time Low)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن