Chapter 5

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*hey I saw a couple of people reading my story. Thank you so much it means a lot.
Can you give me your opinion if it's good or not please?
Thank you. Enjoy this chapter❤️*

We went to Macdonald's to get some dinner me and my brothers. The ride was so good. The windows were open, the cold wind was slapping my face, the sun was setting it just felt like summer.

We decided to dine in because we have nothing else to do. I was wearing my grey sweatpants and a casual white top. I looked like shit but I don't care it's Macdonald's.

I love my brothers even though we fight like animals sometimes. They are so chill and they just live they lives to the fullest and are always spreading good vibes. I want to be like them.

We just talked about the party last night and they made fun of me for being a "baby" who goes to parties and all that kind of stuff. Haha very funny.

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. It's Julia calling me.

"Heyyyyy girrlll" she says very enthusiastic.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at Macdonald's with my brothers"

"Oh, you want to do something later?"

"I'm pretty tired from yesterday can you just come over? "

We agree on a time and I hang up.

"Don't invite anyone. Our friends are coming tonight" Sam orders me

"We will be in my room it's only one friend chill" I hate when he wants to order me around.

When we come back Julia was already here. We go up to my room and she starts asking me about the party. I tell her everything about Aron and she goes crazy.

I don't know if I'm supposed to be sad or happy when my friends react like that. Like are they happy because I'm finally getting a guy's attention or just relieved. Anyway it makes me laugh.

I show her his instagram and she goes even crazier.
"Haley! I know him everybody has a fucking crush on him in school. How didn't you know who he was?" She says like it's so obvious.

"I don't know I just didn't notice him maybe in the hall"

Speaking of the devil he send me a Dm saying
"Hey there" Julia told me to wait a little before responding so I can seem hard to get. I dont understand it but it's okay.

After 5 minutes I say a simple "hey"
He responded in the same seconds and ask me how am I. We had the basic conversation. Then he asked me if I enjoyed the party and we talked about all the drunk people there and it was a good conversation for two strangers. After that I asked what he was planning to study in college. And we talked for a solid 30 minutes.

Then he says " Enough about me.Can I take you to lunch tomorrow so we can talk about your future?"
I squealed. And of course I said yes.

I forgot Julia was here for a second. When she hears me she jumps next to me and ask me to read the texts out loud.

"So tomorrow my Haley has a date!" She screams. "Okay we need to choose what you're to wear." She gets up all messy and opens my closet and she got lost inside.

I'm still kind of confused. Not understanding why a guy like him wants anything with me. Like wtf he's gorgeous. I'm not mad though but it's just surprising let's say.

I sent a screenshot of the conversation to the girls group chat and they also go crazy. Julia starts picking out outfits that I will never wear.

During my exam period I worked out every day. I don't know from where I got the motivation. But I lost a lot of weight and my figure was showing. That's something I'm happy about. So I'm pretty confident now but it doesn't mean I'm going to wear a blue crop top with skinny jeans. One, I hate it. Two, if I drink wanter the jeans will explode so no.

Julia had to leave so I walked her downstairs to the front door. There's a bunch of guys sitting in my living room. They all were here all my life I don't get intimidated by them. They are like family. I say goodbye to Julia and go upstairs.

I get a call from Cheryl and Marla. And we FaceTime and they helped me pick out a cute outfit. We chose a short blue day-dress that has little flowers from it that I bought from Brandy Melville never thinking it would fit me. But it did so yey! The girls always boost my confidence, they're amazing.

It's already 1 am I didn't even realize. I slept all day so it explains a lot. Oh my god! I can't wake up at 3 tomorrow. I need to know what time he wants us to meet. I sent him a DM saying "hey at what time do you want us to meet and where"

He's already typing. I love that he responds so quickly. He says " I thought maybe I should come and pick you up and we go together?" Oh my god! Uhm of course I fucking want you to pick me up daddy. I say "okay is 2pm good for u?" He replies with "yeah!" I read and don't say anything. Then I see him typing and he just sends "goodnight:)" and I was going to burst he's so cute.

I replied and set an alarm at 12pm and try to force myself to sleep.

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