Funniest Coronavirus Jokes

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I tried to make a coronavirus joke a while back

Nobody laughed at first, but eventually everyone got it.

This time next year you guys will be laughing about all the Coronavirus fears of today...

Not every one of you, of course.

Coronavirus has been copying the Black Death


Coronavirus cases in North Korea update:

8:00: 1

8:10: 0

9:23: 1

9:28: 0

0:13: 1

0:20 0

1:47: 1

1:55: 0

3:15pm So the hockey season got cancelled in Canada because of the coronavirus

6:30pm Canada is now testing the vaccine for coronavirus

xi jinping has coronavirus

He is now called winnie the flu

Don't worry, the coronavirus won't last long.

Because it's made in China.

Chuck Norris caught the coronavirus

but later decided to let it go.

Corona Beer sales falter amid Corona virus crisis

Guess their viral marketing strategy failed.

I hope the Coronavirus issue gets resolved before tick season

Or else we'll have Corona with Lyme

Corona virus is just like pasta

The Chinese invented it but the Italians will spread it all over the world.

Coronavirus update: Everyone at John Lennon airport has been quarantined.

Imagine all the people

When do the coronavirus symptoms start to kick in?

Right off the bat

I have always suspected that people are selfish and during disasters will only look after number 1...

...but the Corona virus is proving they are more concerned with number 2's.

With Corona Virus spreading, I never thought our deaths will also be..

"Made in China"

Taco Bell forced to shut down temporarily...

Due to the Corona virus the shortage of toilet paper has made this step a necessity.

Coronavirus arrives in the USA.

Mexico: So, about that wall......

What's the difference between butter and the corona virus?

Corona actually spreads

Look, if we're gonna get full-on racist about where the corona virus came from

we might as well call it the Kung Flu.

You can't be too careful with this corona virus...

I just called my mother in-law not to come over for Christmas.

What's the difference between Coronavirus and my dad?

Coronavirus only takes five days to appear.

Corona virus is kinda like my jokes

Funny at first but people are starting to get concerned now

Whats the difference between the coronavirus and 737MAX?

The coronavirus is airborne.

Why are coronavirus patients bad at basketball?

They always travel

As the world is encouraged to practise good hygiene in response to the Corona virus...

...the government gives a poignant demonstration by washing their hands of any responsibility.

If Coronavirus can't take you out....

can I?

This Coronavirus fear is getting out of hand...

I accidentally sneezed on my monitor, and my antivirus software started running.

Why is Coronavirus all one word?

Because they didn't want to spread it.

The world health organization declared that dogs cannot contract the Corona virus.

All dogs held in quarantine have been released. So to clarify.... WHO let the dogs out.

What does the coronavirus and fight club have in common?

In China, the first rule is not to talk about it

I asked my Russian friend today, if he is afraid of the corona virus.

He said "no! I have the antidote!" I said, really? What is it? He said "its vodka!" I didn't believe and said, vodka kills the virus? He said "no, but it kills the fear!"

After a Coronavirus vaccine is developed

anti-vax people would need to make a very interesting choice

Everyone is worried about the Coronavirus but not me. I'm safe.

The coronavirus is passed through human contact.

If you think that Corona beer causes Coronavirus then...

You probably think that the leader of the World Health Organization is Dr Who.

Wondering how anti-vaxxers feel about a coronavirus vaccine...

...I bet they're dying for it.

A foreign reporter asked a Beijing citizen for his opinion on the government's handling of the Corona virus

"I can't say"

What idiot called it "The Corona Virus"

When they missed a oppertunity to call it "The Kung Flu"

I think Coronavirus is a millennial..

.. Because everyone's OK except the boomers.

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