F o u r

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The first thing you were greeted by once you opened your eyelids the next morning, was your brother's head floating above yours.

"It worked!" He celebrated enthusiastically.

"What?" You asked, your voice groggy.

"They say if you stare at a sleeping person long enough, they'll wake up." He announced proudly.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, I'm not dead!" You shook your head.

After a long pause he finally spoke up again, "The milk's gone bad."

You stared at him in disbelief, waiting for him to elaborate. Did he really just wake me up to tell me that?

"Go buy some!" He demanded as if that was the obvious thing to do.

"You go! Dude the store is a ten minute walk from home!" You pointed at him trying to avoid this task.

"No. Here's twenty dollars. There's also a small list of groceries on the kitchen table." He flung the bill on my bed and went to his room.

You didn't even have a chance to protest. This is unfair.

You huff in annoyance and finally get yourself out of bed and into the bathroom for a quick shower. Once the warm water hit your skin and cascaded down your back, thoughts clouded your mind, keeping you under the water a little longer than usual.

You can always knock on my door.

When you first read that sentence, your heart was immediately filled with warmth. You had no obvious proof that it was Taehyung, but something in the back of your mind affirmed that it was. But as the hours ticked by, the once pure and kind gesture distorted in your mind. What if it was pity? You didn't want anyone's pity. What if he, like the others, thought of you as a charity case? That is how the paper ended up crumbled up and thrown at the back of your drawer.

To say you were confused would be an understatement. This was new to you. Not once, in your seventeen pitiful years on this earth, has anyone done anything similar to what Taehyung did.

You had finally found out why you lied to him. You wanted him to see you. For you. Not for what's happening around you. You had tricked your mind into thinking that you had a chance to start new. But he obviously knows something is going on, and that you told him a load of bullshit. So that plan obviously wasn't going to work.

You wrapped yourself in a towel and headed to your room. You threw on some jean shorts and a white t-shirt, took a two second glance at the mirror, settled on putting your short hair in a mini ponytail, grabbed the twenty dollar bill and headed out of the house.

You were quite annoyed and the way you walked didn't hide that. You were almost stomping like a four year old who didn't get his candy. You did not spare one single rock on your way, kicking them continuously. Jinyoung really gets on your nerves sometimes.

But your angry caveman-like walk came to a completely stop once you heard your name being shouted.


You whipped your head around trying to determine who the voice belonged to. Your search didn't take too long as you saw Taehyung jogging across the street to get to you.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked breathless, ruffling his hair up a bit.

"Uh just heading to the groceries store." You replied chewing the inside of your cheek.

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