"Help," He moved, trying to get his jeans off but to no avail. Jughead hung his head before complyining and tugged off the older boy's jeans and taking off his jacket. He worked on the boy's boots, unlacing them.

"Fuck." Jughead looked up at Poet's flushed face.


"Nothing, you're jus' down there near my um...yeah n you look really hot, I jus'-fuck." Jughead looked down to the boy's crotch where Poet's boxers were rising. Jughead's face went red.

He shook his head, finishing with his shoes and crawled up to the top of the bed next to Poet, turning off the light. Two arms slunk around his waist, a face burrowing into his chest. 

Poet held him close, speaking into his chest. His words slightly muffled, "I'm sorry I got a boner, Jugs. You're jus' so hot, I can't help it. But can you jus' cuddle wif me please? I don't wanna be alone." Jughead nodded at the boy's slurred words and pulled the boy closer. His mind raced with thoughts. 

What was the last trial going to be like?

Did Poet always think about him like that?

What's tomorrow morning going to be like?

Why was he so scared?

What was he going to say to Betty?


Robbie had left early in the morning, leaving a note saying he had an appointment with a special doctor. Poet had left with him, waking up in a pile of limbs, tangled up with Jughead. He didn't want to leave, he really didn't. But he had seen Jughead's phone by accent and saw the texts from Betty about missing Jughead and how much she loved him and Poet got angry. He had to leave. 

He wasn't mad at Jughead, why should he be? Jug still had a girlfriend and he needed to remember that. Although, if Jughead really loved his girlfriend he wouldn't be flirting and cuddling with other guys in a way that was no way close to platonic. 

Poet trudged home, his heart heavy, his mind angry, and his hold body feeling like shit from the night before. He reached his front door without even realizing how fast the walk went. 

505 Breaker Road wasn't exactly what Poet would call home. He had lived in many foster homes through his life, more than he could count on his fingers and feet. Some were okay but most were bad and treated him terrible. Breaker Road was one of them.

Poet opened the unlocked front door, closing his quietly behind him. The house smelled of smoke, beer, and sex. Poet's face scrunched up at the stench. He quietly walked to the stairs, hoping no one would hear him.

"Get in here, boy!" Fuck.

Poet walked to the living room with his head down. God he hated Derek.

Derek and Angel were horrible people. They smelled like shit, talked trash and were trash, and treated Poet like dirt. They called him names and curses and even went so far as to physically beat him. Poet hated this house.

"Yes, Derek?"

Derek grunted, getting out of his chair to walk to Poet, "What'd you say fag?"

"Yes, sir?" Poet corrected, slightly sarcastic.

"Don't take that tone with me boy! You ungrateful brat, I go to work and work my fingers to the bone to bring home money to get food and feed your worthless little self just for you to sass me. No wonder your parents died, they sure as hell wouldn't have wanted to see your faggy little self, let alone live with you. Although they were just as bad as you are. Alway runnin' 'round acting better than everybody else. They deserved to die."

"Don't talk about my parents like that." Poet mumbled, his hands clenching into fists.

"What'd you say, you little shit?"

"I said; don't talk about my parents like that!" Poet seethed.

Derek glared and punched him across the face. "Get out of my house you faggot!" 

Poet held his nose, blood dripping down into his mouth. His nose was broken, there was no doubt. He ran out of the house, but not before flipping Derek off.

He ran out the door and down the road, wishing he was anywhere but this stupid little town.


Here's another chapter for you guys. The next one should come soon. I get really bad writers block sometimes and that's why I take a while to get stuff done. And I hoped you guys liked drunk Poet. I honestly had no idea this chapter was gonna end up like this but I more or less like it. Thanks for reading! and I love your guys's comments, it makes me really happy to know what people care about my story❤️ ~underrated human

P.S. Is there anything you guys would like to see more of? Like character wise and stuff? Let me know!

Fluorescent Adolescent~Jughead JonesWhere stories live. Discover now