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"Hey." I stepped to the side and she walked into the room. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a pale purple v-neck top that left most of her arms bare, as well as an ample amount of her breasts.

It didn't surprise me that I noticed her body, I had been attracted to women when I was a human, my dearest friend had been better at bringing me pleasure than my husband. But during those days, marriage was not about pleasure and love. It had been about the simple task of a man needing a woman to carry his children and keep his home. Love came in the hidden moments when man and woman weren't together, though we did have affection and he had never begrudged me those other passions.

I shook my head and focused on the moment once more, on Eliza walking into my room and the funny things her presence was doing to my brain. There was a glass bottle in each of her hands and her purse was under her arm as she sauntered, leaving me to close the door behind her and follow her once I had relocked it.

She glanced around curiously, before slipping out of her shoes and moving to sit on the couch, putting the bottles, which appeared to contain a thick red liquid, on the coffee table I front of her. She saw me looking at them curiously and laughed. "It's blood."

"You bottle it?" It sounded odd, though I realized how inane I sounded. Perhaps it would lend itself into the growing lie of just how new to this world I was.

It was a lie I couldn't escape from, not anymore. I forced myself to ignore the realization that whatever this was, whatever feelings she was inspiring in me, would not last. I could not keep up a lie like this for long. She was far too smart and her company far too dedicated for her to remain ignorant for long.

It was cruel of me to allow us to continue along like this, but I did not have the self control to stop it. I was infatuated by her, I needed more. More of anything she would give me.

"Yes. Looks a little less suspicious than carrying around medical bags." She crossed her legs and nodded to the couch beside her.

"Can I ask you... why you're here?" I murmured softly, though I walked across the room and sat down beside her remaining perched on the couch, just out of reach. The closer I got to her, the more I wanted to get even nearer, and I couldn't figure out why that single thought was clouding my brain.

"I don't know. Because you are alone. And I am alone. And for some reason, I really couldn't get the thought of coming and finding you out of my head." She gave me an apologetic smile, shrugging as she finally looked away from me. "Because I can't believe you have no one."

She opened one of the bottles and placed it into my hands, the smell of blood wafting past me, reminding me how long it had been since I had fed. "I'm fine, alone."

"When was the last time you fed?" She watched me and when I realized she wasn't going to stop until I humoured her and drank, I obliged her. It seemed to relax her, knowing she was helping me, though I frowned when she merely opened the second bottle and switched with me when I had emptied the first.

No hesitation, just a look of concern as I looked up to her in surprise.

"I don't need this much." I argued, as she levelled a withering glare my way.

Eliza didn't back down, raising one manicured nail to tap on the glass bottle in my hand. "You need as much as your body needs. You shouldn't starve yourself like this. I know you don't want to hurt anyone, but... there's alternatives. Knight Corp is in every major city."

"What happens when you run low on blood?" Surely they didn't have an infinite supply, how did they get it when things were dire.

"There are far more humans than there are vampires. Millions more. Tens of millions, hundreds of millions more. We get a lot of donations. Even people who hear about how we've helped other sick people and just want to help. Humans that know who we are and are willing to help out. We also carefully manage our stock. We aren't in danger of running out." She shook her head, grinning brilliantly to me when I started drinking.

I had never gorged like this, it felt... like gluttony, my body relaxing into a state of unrealized contentment when it no longer felt hungry. I could not even make myself tense in fear of the fabled blood lust from overindulging I was told to expect.

I was full and my body refused to be alarmed.

I made a low noise and closed my eyes as I finished the second bottle. I shuddered as I felt that edge of hunger, that driving anger that had constantly been with me, shift into the background a little bit more. Despite what I had learned, despite the constant assurances that if I obliged the monster within me, it would grow stronger, I felt more human than I had in a very long time. More human than I thought was possible.

"I should have brought more. I didn't realize you were so hungry." She turned to reach for her purse and I grabbed her hands before she could, holding them tightly.

"No. It's ok. Better than ok." I offered her the most reassuring smile I could, which only drew a frown to her lips.

"Alright. But I'll swing by tomorrow with more." She tilted her head to the side, before lifting our hands, squeezing mine gently and kissing my knuckles. "You can trust us."

"I trust you." I whispered before thinking about it. It was an easy thing to say to her, despite not having trusted anyone in a very long time.

Because I did.

I couldn't explain why, but I trusted her. And despite my surprise in that fact, I found myself needing to touch her more. Her skin under my hand was addictive and the smell of her was intoxicating. I slid my hands to cup her cheeks, caressing her flawless, silky skin and smiling as she leaned into my touch.

Eliza's eyes closed partially and her lips parted, inviting me closer. We both shifted forward our lips brushing together, tasting and exploring until the gentleness turned hungry and we tumbled on top of one another.

Despite how new these things felt, I also wrestled with the feeling that I had found a long lost lover that my hands knew by heart, even as the taste of her mouth excited and overwhelmed me. She was a drug that I had tasted long ago, long enough that it was a brand new experience to my senses but fulfilling a craving I had barely remembered I'd had.

And Eliza stroked and touched just as eagerly, tasting and kissing, pulling me closer and tracing her fingers over my body with more skill than I had. But she was gentle, meeting my eyes and pausing until she was sure that I wanted more, using more care than any form of love I had ever experienced before.

Intimacy was not something I had allowed myself since I had freed myself from the Knights. And before that, I had not known a gentle touch when I was a weapon. There had been no kind or pleasurable touches for a monster such as I.

I had assumed that the intimate part of me had died along with my humanity all those centuries ago. But the sounds she made as I touched her, and the tremors she drew from my body as her fingers traced my skin told me otherwise. 

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