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I had come to the conclusion that whatever Knight Corp was, I didn't want any part of it. Tim hadn't seemed like a zealot, had seemed rather upfront and easy to read when it really came down to things, but I didn't trust it. No one was altruistic, not without selfish motivations and I had a hard time imagining that there were monsters out there that were good. Life didn't work like that, even I didn't really work like that. I took when I needed to take and most of the good I did was more to keep a target off my back than any real desire to do any good.

I had only fought those three vampires, for the sheer desire to fight someone. I had no desire to walk right back into an organization that believed it knew what right and wrong was and would force me to bend to its rules.

I may have been directionless, but I was free.

Life kept trying to chain me down, I had no need to seek out such fetters again. I searched out an arcade, looking for a street brawling video game that Tim had been talking about. I hadn't really paid attention to computers and technology since they created Pong and other such deplorably pixelated games. Now, however, the graphics were better, though still far from realistic. I could stand in front of a machine with a gun and shoot whatever came on screen.

The damned things moved slowly and often I found the system unable to keep up with the speed I actually did have. Still, I spent most of the day in there, playing each game until I grew bored of it though I did finish with time to spare if I had wanted to drop by Knight Corp. I even had the crumpled up business card in my pocket but it was more as an afterthought than anything else.

To stop myself from doing anything stupid, feeling the curiosity burning at me, needling for me to go check out the company and see how much of a lying asshole Tim was, I diverted my path to a seedy club in the entertainment district. The place was the sticky floor, dark back room, kind of human place, though there were some supernatural types hanging about. I paused, watching the show on the centre stage from where I stood in the middle of the floor. Surprisingly, it was a man and woman up there removing their clothing and both seemed to be getting a fair bit of attention.

"Hey pretty boy, you want a private show?" A woman dressed in only a sparing amount of cloth called a bathing suit walked up to me, reaching up to run her fingers over my chest, leaving a streak of glitter.

"Nah, I'm here to dance." It only took a slight nudge of my mind in hers and she was leading me into the back room, introducing me to everyone else.

Back there, the liquor and drugs were free and I found the hours spinning by in a flash of brilliant lights, raunchy costumes and heady lust that resulted in a bigger pay day than I could expect amongst a group of self righteous morally superior assholes in uniforms.

The only problem with drugs and alcohol, is that sometimes they made the world disappear in flashes, leaving one, such as myself, standing in the front lobby of a massive building complex, blinking at the sign that read Knight Corp above the front desk.

It was a vampire behind the desk and she was smirking at me, though her eyes were wary. I glanced down and let out a bark of a laugh, realizing I was wearing skin tight, fake leather, metallic gold pants and a fishnet tank top, completed with a collar. I also, seemed to be shedding glitter as I moved. "I was told to ask for Tim."

Somehow, I had brought the card with me, though when I pulled it out of the pockets and put it on the desk, it was in pieces and barely legible. I blinked a couple times, following her gaze to the digital clock that read 9:15.

I smirked, "my bad."

I came. I saw the place and it's creepy professional veneer and I had failed before I even started. There. Both sides of my argument were satisfied. I was turning back towards the door, wondering what happened to my shoes and staring at my bare feet when the vampire chuckled, "He says to head down to the training rooms. Sub basement two, wait in room three for him. Here's your pass."

Broken WarriorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon