Chapter Sixty Eight: Final Oblivion

Start from the beginning

Jinx moved a foot and held out his hands to either side of him. "We're surrounded."

Ah, the blind one. Did your father ever see you for who you really were?

He hissed, baring venomous fangs. "Shut up, Predator."

"Do not let him anger you," Alastar reprimanded. "Keep your guard up."

Sora and I stood back to back, my eyes wildly searching for a target to strike. There was nothing but a whisper of wind disturbing the space around us. I couldn't see the Predators Jinx had identified but they had to be somewhere. I concentrated on drawing water from the dark clouds above while Sora's whip released licks of flame. Jinx pulled his hand into his sleeve, arming himself with enchanted needles to be released at the flick of his wrist.

What's with his show of weapons? I feel so honored you hold me in such high esteem. Let me return the favor.

A pool of shadows collected at the base of the stairs. Scaled hands and bone-white ribs clawed their way out of it, growling and laughing as they spread. These weren't normal Predators like we'd seen thus far. These were the next generation of those monstrosities.

They seemed more physical in form, no longer the oozing mass the previous predators were. They had four to five limbs stretching out of an 

Now, entertain me.

The Predators charged us, but we were ready. Or so we thought.

I took the first by surprise by freezing him to the ground and slicing off an arm. To my confusion, it only regrew and the creature broke free, screaming with glee.

"They're not dying!" I yelled to Alastar, who was busy protecting a stunned Ash.

"These will not go down as easily as before." He instructed. "Aim for the heart or head!"

I struck wildly as the monster lurched towards me and managed to stick the blade straight between with approximated as its neck. It writhed and disintegrated into dust with a shrieking cry.

The ensuing battle ranged from me being covered by someone else and vice versa. There were just so many Predators that it made long-range combat near impossible, so Ash drew his short swords instead. Jinx speared one Predator after another, mixing his earthen prowess with his throwing skill. Almost every hit landed but more kept crawling out of the shadowy pool.

"Watch it!" Jinx shouted. His needle pierced through the approaching Predator's skull and it disintegrated in a whirl of dust behind me.

I just had time to breathe a thanks before I was thrown back into the fray. I clashed with a particularly tough monster. His five limbs gave him an advantage, one extra arm sprouting from what approximated as his shoulder blades. I'd already sawed off one arm but that didn't deter it. If anything that only increased it's strength.

Submit. It's icy breath whispered. Submit and it will all be over.

"Ha!" I laughed through grit teeth. "You wish."

The creature had pushed my back and was slowly forcing me to my knees, his scaled arms pushing against my daggers. As my back neared the ground I suddenly dropped and pushed my feet up into the Predator's rib cage, launching him back. I distinctly heard something crack -- from it, not me -- and as I got to my feet it squirmed and screeched, disintegrating into nothing. One of its bones must've punctured something vital.

We were slowly pressed back to back. They crowded the square, hissing malicious threats with relish.

"If we close the portal," Alastar muttered. "We may yet stand a chance. I must get to the source first."

"We'll get you there." Jinx sent a ripple through the earth, calculating the distances silently. He nodded to himself. "I think we can do it."

Then, as the next wave of Predators threatened to break, the five of us surged forward, Ash in the lead. Sora cut a path with her whip, lashing the monsters back in a fiery blaze. I stabbed and parried while Jinx shot slivers of metal left and right. Though our energy was faltering, we were slowly but surely inching towards the portal.

A clench of a fist brought down a rain of icy hail. A gust of wind blew more off the edge. Rumbling cracks spread through the ground, swallowing the unfortunate. Fire lined the courtyard, allowing none to escape.

Step by step we got closer. Metal met shadows as we sliced through the ranks, until at last Alastar was close to the portal. The demons seemed to notice their impending plight and attacked with new vigor. 

But it was too late for them.

Alastar put a hand on the portal and a blinding light shone from his palm.

All at once the Predators screamed and thrashed in agony. Their solid forms once more turned to smoke. Clawed hands faded to nothing. Numerous eyes grayed over. The sky darkened and lightning flashed as if the world was cracking apart.

Then, all at once, things grew still.

The dust on the dusty ground was gone. The cries that had rung through the air struck no more. Swaying buildings settled back into their foundations. The sky closed over itself and the sun returned again, shining hope on a ruined tribe.


I suddenly felt cold all over, icy flooding my veins. An equally chilly voice hissed in my ear.

"Time to meet your end."

I looked down and saw the end of a blade protruding from my chest. To the side emerald eyes narrowed in hatred snarled. White hair brushed the side of my neck as he continued.

"I'll see you in their domain."

The world turned black.

(End of Book One, stay tuned for an epilogue)

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