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(I felt like putting that there. ENJOY!)
Biana's POV
So apparently I was behind Sophie and 1 minute later I'm in my room.
Then 5 minutes later, a girl falls into my room.
I aim the bow Artemis gave me when I joined the hunters at her and she starts yelling at me, calling me Phoebe.
Is she okay?
Piper's POV
So I fall into this room that's as big as the Aphrodite cabin.
Then I see a girl that looks exactly like Phoebe.
Then I start screaming at her when she whips out a Hunter's bow.
Once I calm down she asks me if I'm okay.
Don't remember the last time I was.
I just asked her if she's a hunter.
"Yeah" she answers me.
"I'm Piper. What's your name?" I asked her.
"Biana. Don't think I've met you. Who's your parent?"
"Aphrodite." I told her. She told me that she's also a daughter of the love goddess.
I actually felt safe for while.
I should've enjoyed it while I could.
Grady's POV (Bet you weren't expecting that. 😏)
One minute I'm finished feeding Verdi. Next, some Latino kid falls right next to Calla's tree.
I grab my club and hold it in a swinging stance.
Then he starts calling Dionysus or something like that.
Is he okay?
Leo's POV
So I fall right next to this tree that's scientifically impossible.
Well, so are hellhounds. And elidions. And pretty much all monsters.
Stupid ADHD mind!
(In case you don't know, ADHD stands for Attention Deficient Hyper-active Disorder.)
"Hi?" I said when the angry dude came closer. The guy with the sharp club.
I'm gonna run now. Maybe Silena knows what to do.
Let me just make an IM.
Let's just say I ran for my life.
I stopped outside next to a fence and got stuff out of my belt to make an IM.
"O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Silena Vacker."
Suddenly the rainbow showed Silena with, was that Piper?
"Silena?" I asked her from the rainbow.
"Yeah?" She says not even looking my way.
Then Pipes saw me.
Muhahaha! I am evil!
And I suck at spoiling you guys with long chappies!!!
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