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If you read my story, can you tell other people about it? Because if you do it would mean a lot to me!

Fitz's POV

I am very confused. Totally, utterly confused. How in the world did Biana hail someone who's dead? How in the world did they talk for 10 minutes. Could it be? Could Sophie still be alive?

I am going to double my efforts to find that girl. The girl convicted of killing my friend. Because I know in my heart, she is guilty.

I went to find the council's Technopath. (Is that how you spell it?) A few years ago the council hired Dex to be our head Technopath. He accepted the job. So now I don't feel guilty for not knowing our employees' names.

As I neared Dex's room, I yelled "Dex? Are you in there?" Which followed by a small "Yeah Fitz? What do you need?". I opened the door and asked him, "Can you trace this Imparter's last signal?" He replied with a quiet "Sure. Just give me a few minutes."

5 minutes later

"Fitz? Two things, the signal came from Lumenaria. And this went to Sophie's Imparter. I thought she was killed?" He flinched at the last word like it hurt his heart. I replied with a soft "It doesn't make sense to me either. But you said it came from Lumenaria?" Then he asked "Yeah. Should we go there now?" Which I replied with "Sure. At least we have a lead."

Sophie's POV

Why? Just why. Why world? I was always good to you!

Why did a councilor have a way to find me?! They're probably going to punish me with a mind break. I'm innocent! Oh, I'm gonna have a long talk with Biana. And I need to find a way to prove my innocence. Wait, I'll just transmit! But, if they find out, they'll kill me. Ugh, why does this have to be sooo hard? It's so annoying! Then I heard a knock. A knock I haven't heard in 7 years. Oh no. He's here.

Well that was inconvenient. Then I opened the door, and said "Hello Fitz!" Then he replied me with "You know I'm taking you back to Eternalia." "That I can piece together, yet I'm innocent in this matter because no one is involved in it, because it isn't real." I said. Which he countered with "Well, how do you know that? Sophie Elizabeth Foster has been missing for 7 years. Where else would she have gone?" His eyes full of hatred.

Yay! Another chapter done!

I should really stop saying that...

Word count: 439

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