The truth

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Jake and Tara wake up at the same time to a loud "plart" sound for Jake. He knows what he just did. He pooped himself. In his sleep. "But how" he thought, "I've been wearing these things for 24 hours. Just because I can't use the bathroom doesn't mean I can't control myself". He sits there, trying to figure out how to tell Tara all that is happening. As he gets up to walk into the kitchen, Tara notices his slightly slimmer waist, and that's when it happens. Jakes pants fall to the floor revealing his new undergarments. His face turns red, the white. As he pulls his pants up. But it's too late. She knew what she saw, after 24 hours of non stop use, the once brief like diapers were now bulged our, and resembled exactly what they were.
"Talk to me" she said as he grabs the weight loss pills from the counter, not noticing a couple missing. "It's difficult to explain, promise to keep an open mind" he said as he swallows to pill with some water. "Ok. Whatever you need. But can you make me a big shake, with milk, and can I have one of those pills"? "Sure" he says as he does what is asked of him. Not thinking of the warning on the bottle.
As Tara starts to drink her shake, and take the weight loss pill, Jake tells her about everything from the app. The pills, the diapers, and the phone. He tells her how much he is getting paid for all of this, and while he was telling her all this, he even let it slip the way he feels about her.
Tara is taken back by his words. A man that she  has known her entire life, best friends since grade school, just said the three words "I love you" she didn't know what to do. What could she do. So she did the one thing that her now starving body craved, and asked for more food. Jake not knowing how to take her reaction, or lack there of agreed. When he asked what she wanted, she replied with "another shake would be nice, and also eggs and bacon". So the two of them started making breakfast and in the process Tara drank 3 of the shakes because they ate the only thing that keeps the hunger pains away.
As they both sit down they realize just how much food was made five dozen eggs, two pounds of bacon, and a loaf of sourdough bread. They both dig in Tara more so then Jake. They both devour the entire breakfast. Tara now content, having stopped the cravings that she had looks over to the pill bottle and struggled to reach it. After a few seconds of struggle she grasps the bottle and starts to read. She then see the warning, and it brings her to tears.
(For men only, will cause metabolic shutdown in woman causing uncontrollable hunger and weight gain. Effects are irreversible)
She cry's looking at her now bloated squishy body, realizing this is going to be her life now, "but no it can't be. I'll just work harder" she thinks as she slides from the table and starts to waddle to her bedroom stuffed from the food. As she reached her door, she realized that she was winded, but that didn't stop her. She went through her dresser and grabbed her gym shorts and her sports bra, and quickly put them on. What she saw in the mirror was disheartening. He once slim tight body was now soft and jiggling with every move. Her sports bra which had fit perfectly to her 32 B breasts was now struggling at the seams not to rip for over stretching. And her loosest gym shorts no longer fit either, as they start to ride up her thickening thighs with every step. Defeated she sits down on the couch next to Jake and then suddenly "rrriiiiiipppppp" her bra falls off her body and her shorts split along the sides. Jake, shocked just stares at this woman he finds so beautiful. He loves her and he knows this. So he kindly asks her if she needs anything while she tries to cover herself up with the throw blanket on the back of the couch. "No" she said sadly, but I do have a question. "Earlier when you said you loved me, even though I'm a fat pig now, do you still"?
"Yes, of course I do. I don't care what you look like, besides you're more beautiful now then ever" taken back by his words Tara leans in for a kiss. Both of them share a moment of passion, but the realization of Jakes current state is remembered. As he looks down sheepishly at his new underwear Tara states that he would be cute as a baby boy.

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