Tara's mistake

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Tara was walking through the house, nearly naked as she mixes herself a post workout protein drink thinking "if only I could lose another 5 pounds I would be happy". Then it happens. She notices the weight loss pills on the counter from Jake. "This must be why he looked more trim, and in only a couple hours". She greedily opens the bottle of pills and takes two of them, not realizing it says for men only on the warning label.
After taking the pills Tara waits. She doesn't feel any different until her stomach starts to rumble and churn, almost as if something was in there doing backflips. A massive hunger comes over her, so being the healthy person she is she mixed another protein shake.
25 minutes pass, her hunger has been insatiable. She is so hungry, another 15 minutes pass, and that was enough time for her to open and consume an entire 5lbs tub of protein powder. She sits down on the couch, stomach in knots over the hunger pains. "What is happening to me" she says out loud, just then Jake walks through the door. Confused at what he sees he asks "are you alright" worried about his friend. "Food" is all Tara manages to say before passing out from the hunger pains. Jake panics and does the first thing that comes to mind. "Her protein powder. That's what she would want" he says as he gets a tub of powder off of the fridge that has had the label ripped off. As Jake is trying to do things as fast as he can he mistakenly grabs a bottle of heavy cream instead of milk. Unfortunately for Jake there were three things he didn't know. First was Tara grabbing the weight loss pills, and taking double the daily dose. Second was the fact the tub he grabbed was actually mass gainer from Tara's gym buddy, and third was the heavy cream substitute.
Jake wakes Tara, handing her the three thousand calories worth of shake, and she drinks it down without question of where he had gotten more powder since she had used it all earlier. Felling her appetite recede, she takes a deep breath, thankful the pain is gone. Then she notices her stomach. What was once a tight six pack abs was squishy and soft, undignified. Horrified, she runs to her room, with a slight jiggle from her now soft body.
After a crying induced nap Tara comes out, body a little heavier then before her nap, hungry needing food of some sort. Naturally she grabbed what she thought was her powder as she mixed it in with some plain yogurt, nuts, and a splash of chocolate syrup for taste.
She sits down on the couch next to Jake, who is noticing Tara's new figure. He's ok with it, and thinks she looks better with a little extra too her. Jake watches as Tara nearly inhales the bowl of food she has made, and marvels as she then grabs another, then another, finally stopping on four bowls. Now satisfied she lays her head on Jakes stomach, more toned now then when he went to work. Just then Jake lets go. He didn't mean to it just happened, he released a load into his diaper. She didn't seem to notice, what a relief. How could Jake tell the woman that he loves , that because of her product testing idea he is stuck in diapers for god knows how long. Little did he know, it was also because of the testing that was attributing to Tara's new figure as well. "Tomorrow" he said "tomorrow I will tell her everything"

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