Episode 10: Witch Stalker

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Episode 10: Witch Stalker

            The sky began to darken when Angela met up with her friends at the high school. Everyone started to leave as the principal explained to them that the janitor would be back in a couple of hours to finish locking up and shutting down the building. Jassy placed a flyer on a wall while standing on a chair, asking how it looked from a far. She was African American with a black bob and a beauty mark under her right eye. She was thicker in size compared to Jackie who was also African American. Jackie had the left side of her hair braided and the right side straighten. She puckered up her pink limp glossed lips, holding the bottom of the flyer while Angela stood back, viewing it from a far.

              “A little to the left,” she said.

            “Perfect,” said Jackie as Angela came over with the tape. They moved on to the next wall as they talked about school events and drama that has happened over the past couple of months.

            “Gurl, news alert. Did you know that wanna be miss popular Livvy Millins stuffs her bra,” informed Jackie.

            “Are you serious?” asked Angela, taping down another flyer.

            “And you know this how?” asked Jassy, curious herself.

            “Wellll...Tommy Teair, pink haired dude with the hazy eyes and Derran Lenix, you know dark skin dude with the dimples were being…well boys. And so Tommy tripped Derran, causing his milk to spill all over Livvy,” explained Jackie, stepping back to view the poster she just put up.

            “Ouch,” uttered Jassy.

            “Please, tell me why Livvy’s chest absorbed the milk right up,” said Jackie using her hands to show motion of absorption.

            “Hahahah! Oh hell to the naw,” laughed Angela. The girls continued having fun, talking, and putting up posters and flyers up, while making sure everything was organized for the upcoming winter sports. Jassy was in the process of explaining a joke that Angela that was lame and found the reason why. She had heard it on the radio and thus her delivery wasn’t the same and instantly all of a sudden the lights went off. The high school was pitch black and the only light available was the moonlight, shinning through windows and exit lights.

            “What just happened?” asked Jackie.

            “Damn, our school’s ratchet. No backup generator,” thought Jassy out loud.

            “All the doors are locked right? I mean, they can only open from the inside right?” asked Angela, developing an eerie vibe that could not be suppressed.

            “Yeah, it’s probably one of the janitors testing the lights or something,” said Jassy.

            Outside, the wind started to pick up a little harder as if a storm was coming as a guy stepped in front of the high school wearing a huge trench coat, black leather gloves, and a hat that cast a shadow on his face. He lifted up his right hand and began to tighten it, the front double doors started to close inward as if he was crushing them with an un-seeable force. The girls turned their heads concerning the front, hearing the crushing of the doors. The doors echoed a loud thumping noise once they hit the floor. The guy stepped forward seeing the three girls. Like an unexpected car crash, Angela was slammed with pressure from this man. He didn’t step into her territory, he forced his way through, causing Angela to grab her head as a series images flooded her mind.  

            “You’re the one…at the alley, you killed that girl,” Angela confessed. She now was able to put together what Leonn'e meant when he yelled. “You’re a Witch Stalker,” she theorized. The Witch Stalker’s eyes were cold, as if the humanity that should be was no longer there. For a second they twinkled, seeing Angela’s shinny blue core of life in the form of a Crystal Heart. However, to his dismay Jackie now stood in his view and to remove this hindrance, he lifted up his hand and slowly started to tighten it, causing Jackie to grab her neck, gasping for air as if chocking. “No!” screamed Angela, grabbing onto Jackie. The Witch Stalker could penetrate inside Jackie’s soul, the gray Crystal Heart inside Jackie and with one closed fist; he shattered it into pieces, causing Jackie to spit out blood. Her dark eyes went cold and collapsed to her death.

            “Girl c’mon,” cried Jassy, pulling on Angela. Angela got up and with the help of her friend fled the scene as the Witch Stalker began stalking his prey. Angela and Jassy turned right and ran for their life depended on it, stopping at a split hall. They looked right seeing him standing right there as if he knew where they were running to next. “Ahhhh!” screamed Jassy as Angela pulled her to the left. Every classroom they found was lock until they came upon the library. The Library was modern than most, with a lounge area when you first walk in, librarian’s desk on the left and further left was tables and chairs with computers and bookshelves behind them. Jassy and Angela decided to go towards a book shelve and hide behind the spine of them.

            A shadow passed alongside the Library’s windows and the Witch Stalker soon after stepped inside. The place started to lighten up as the lights not fully turned on, started to flicker. He passed the lounge area and entered into the computer zone. Angela had her back against a book shelve, her heart racing. He started to come out of the computer zone when he suddenly heard Jassy’s cell phone ringing. Looking over across at Angela, Jassy’s brown eyes enlarged in terror.

            “Ahhh!” they screamed, a nearby book shelve was crushed inward, exploding. Angela grabbed Jassy and they ran out as the Witch Stalker missed by an inch and crushed the librarian’s computer. The Witch Stalker went out and raised his hand straight at Angela’s back, but Jassy turned and saw. She instinctually pushed Angela out of the way and was caught in his grip. He wasted no time and closed his hand; crushing Jassy’s Crystal Heart and shattered it into pieces just like Jackie.

            “NO! AH!” screamed Angela. Before Angela could react, she felt a hand on her arm and was pulled into Trista.

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