Special chapter 5 being a family and Flashback!?

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I smiled as I open the door that Ruby is waiting from the other side. Once open Art hid behind one of my legs as Ruby see her I gave a nod to her know what to do.

Ruby: Hi.. I'm Ruby Rose.. or you can call me Ruby or mom because I'm dating this wolf here. So.. what's your name?

She gets out of her hiding spot and introduce herself to Ruby. 

Art: My name is Artemis.. and your my mama.

Once she said that Ruby went towards Art and gave her a wonderful hug.

Ruby: Your so cute!!!

I could see Art looking to me and giving me the eyes that says "Help me." I saved her from a cookie hug and Ruby got a bit mad, but understand that's she only six years old. Once that was settled it was getting late so all of us went to sleep that long day. The next morning I had to explain the news to Ozpin and Glynda about Art. Good thing when I healed her I used "Psycho Mantis" and a bit of hardcore math and science to change her genetics and her DNA. Surprising right it took me about few moments, but I got down changing her DNA and a lot of other stuff. That nobody would know that's shes Summer and Tai child or anything related to the Rose of Xiao family. Once I got to Ozpin and office I had to ecplain the story once more also told him that Art has silver eyes. Ozpin agreed and can tell that he won't do anything that would force her to become a huntress and to make sure of this I used "Psycho Mantis" once again. Truth be told he's telling the truth as this happen Ruby and I had to wait for the adopting papers because well were 15 years old that would be awkward. Once that was done Art is free to roam around Beacon. First we introduce Neo and Amber to her they immediately got attached to her and Art got attached to her godmothers. Then we went to team RWBY room and they went wild. Yang told her one of her not so good puns, but Art laugh and from that laughter Yang became a fully aunt. Blake gave her some books as Weiss some learning materials. Art thanks both of her new aunts that both of them fallen to her cuteness. Ruby gave her one of her famous cookies that she cooked up that Art ate quick as Ruby speed and Ruby was surprised by this, but giggled. After that team we went to team JNPR room. Jaune and Pyrrha introduce themselves as Art as well from this both Jaune and Pyrrha mind went to the future of their relationship. Nora being herself gave her pancakes and a Nora hug that I saved her from before she gets crushed. Nora pouted, but once Art ate some of the pancake she went into the food that Ren gave her. Ren gave a smirk of approval as Nora has now an ally in arm. From that we went to the final team, but before that happen team CRDL was in the way. I used "Dio" powers and once that was done we continued to walk towards CVFY as I see the team CRDL outside beaten up like dough. Once there as Fox open the door Coco grabbed like those horror movies. Mostly I can't say what I saw, but Art had her first experience of her aunt Coco and her fashion fest. Velvet tried to save her, but she got wrapped into the mess. Fox, Yatsuhashi, and I could only watch and pray for the warrior bunny and my pup to stay alive.

(Time skip to Wrath19 getting arrested by the Comedy Police also Mike and Lily are fighting back to get there partner back)

As I carried my pup back to our room I could tell she want to sit down on one of the benches. So I went to one of them and place her down as I sit. I think shes has a question?

Art: Papa do you have a best friend?

Mike(smirks): Well.. I don't know... maybe or maybe not, but I do know one thing.. he's planning on something.(mind) If I know Will and if I do.. he didn't came here without a reason also never trusted a rouge god before.

Art: Really!? what's he's name?

Mike: His name is Will Hyo. We use to be in the same class and mostly we new each other very well. Lily, Will, and I were I could say brother and sister. Will and I use to compete with each other by gaming or taking on tournaments.(mind) I could still remember it.

Flash back Mike age 8 

Mike: Will come on! "Press Start" can't wait for us GAMERS!

Will: Speak for yourself! you left Lily!!


Mike: Well you were asleep..

Lily(angry): I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!

Mike: OH COME ON!!

Will: *sigh* This is why I hangout with you guys. Will said as he smiles.

I could remember it so well.. we used to play at the biggest Gaming/internet cafe in all of C/N(City name) "Press Start." I could remember how pissed Lily was as she killed both me and Will in The King of Fighters 98.  We used to play together so much. Plus we took classes of computers and acting. Lets just say both me and Will are born to be actors. We could fool anyone by our acting. Mostly when my mom works or do her "business" with her clan. I would ask her if I could go and play in "Press Start" mom would always say yes because well she didn't want me to be with her and her clan. My dad would always give me money to play as he works in the biggest tech in all of C/N.  We would always play together as.. true best friends.

Will: Hey! WILL we be friends like this forever?

Both me and Lily laugh from that joke.

Lily: Of course! we will be friends as were GAMERS!

Mike: That's right! and when I get older I'll be the next owner of "Press Start!"

Will: Sure if your parents let you.

Mike: What's that suppose to mean!? 

Lily: That means I'll be the one to take it over!


Lily: I know damn well! you didn't talk crap about my gaming Waifu! you weak cyborg!

Will: Oh come on! Hanzo the best from day in and out!!

Lily: Oh! tell that to his fans that make fanart of him making out with my main~

Will: OKAY! now your dead! 


Mike/Will/Lily: BACK TO "PRESS START!"

All of us always settle the fights and arguments at that place.. man.. how long was that before it closed down.

Flash Back over

Art: Papa.. your crying?

Once she said that I was really crying I miss the good old days.

Mike: Don't worry Art you brought up good memories. I smiled.

I look at the sun and it is setting.

Mike: Come on! before mama gets worried of you.

Art: Okay!

We got up and started walking to team RWBY room, but I was still in thought of Will.

Mike(mind): What are you planing Will?

No one POV

In a room in Vale Will sits in a bedroom all alone in it as he looks over his locket and looking at the picture.

Will: Sorry.. my friends.. but I want to settle the score. My acting skills were on point... man... I should really tell him why I did this. Why I did this to them... until then get ready Mike... because we're about to have one of the best fights we ever had. 







Don't worry guys we're the heroes of this game.. and we will win it.

(Author: With that the next chapter is Volume 3!! and its about to go nuts here! also give me a yes or no to this. I been watching and reading too much Jojo. For that I wanted to make a Jojo book, but this one is very different from any other one I think? but tell me should I make it?)

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