Chapter 9 Rescue

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Evelyn POV

I stood in the computer room for a total of five minutes until I heard shooting outside. I quickly climbed back down just in case I needed to run away. I then got back on the vent and followed the sound of shooting. I came to another vent’s opening and found myself in the dark and scary hallway of the warship. I came out of the vent and continued to follow the shooting. I then rounded a corner and my eyes wide when I saw Knockout standing there. He heard me and looked down then smirked when he saw who it was. I panicked when he reached out to grab me.

“Gotcha,” he said. I immediately moved out of the way. I then took off running away from there with Knockout right behind me.

“Help! Optimus! Ratchet! Help!” I yelled.

I kept screaming Optimus and Ratchet's name over and over. I then rounded a corner and my eyes wide when I saw that it was a dead end. I looked back and saw Knockout looking at me with a grin on his face.

“There’s no way out now human” Knockout said. I began to back away until my back hit the hard wall behind me. 

“I win, you lose, human,” he said, reaching out his hand to grab me. I closed my eyes and ready myself to get caught. I let a tear run down my face and thought about my daughter. I thought about her little smile. I thought about Jack, Raf, and Miko. I thought about the Autobots. But I especially thought about Ratchet. I thought about him and the family time we spend at the beach. I thought about his smile and how it made me blush. 

I then heard metal against metal. I opened my eyes and they immediately got watery. I felt my heart beat fast with happiness.

“I win, you lose,” Ratchet said. 

“Ratchet!” I yelled.

He immediately looked at me before picking me up from the ground with a large smile on his face. I quickly hugged his fingers, while letting out the tears that had filled my eyes. 

“Evelyn, are you alright?” Ratchet said. I nodded.

“I am” I replied. I then heard more shooting and they were coming really close to where we were at.

“We gotta go,” Ratchet said.

“What about the others?” I asked.

“I will comm them, telling them that I got you,” He replied before running away. He then called the others, telling them that he had me with him and that we needed to go. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t keep up with what was going on around me any more. I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. I was really tired. The last thing I heard was Ratchet calling out my name before I black out.

*Time Skip*

I woke up with so much pain. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a white room. I looked around and saw a vase with beautiful flowers next to the bed that I was laying on. I then felt something move besides me. I looked down at my right hand and saw Ratchet’s head sleeping next to me. I noticed that his hair was a total mess. I slowly reach out to it. His hair was soft. I then saw his face and eyes move. He then blinked a couple of times before he opened them completely. I then saw that he was shocked when he saw me. He immediately brought me into a warm hug.

“Oh, my Primus, I thought I lost you forever” he said. I was shocked. I didn’t know what to do. I then gave in and slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. He then noticed what he was doing and immediately pulled away.

“Sorry” He said.

“It’s okay,” I replied. I then looked around.

“Where are we?” I asked.

A Love Worth Dying For - Transformers Prime *Ratchet Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now