Kill Myself For a Guy?

Start from the beginning

"Is that it?" the lady nodded at me.

"I'll be back in a bit with your order." I left the table and returned back to the kitchen. I grabbed two well polished stemware and a long bottle of white wine. I placed it down on their table with a wide smile riddled to my face. I then took orders from various tables, and served them their food.

Just two hours into the job and my body was utterly exhausted. A restaurant like the one I was working at needed a professional,not someone like me, but I had to woman up.

As I was nearing a table with their orders in my hands, a middle-aged woman whom was stunningly  gorgeous with perfectly straightened blonde hair strode in. I felt a pointy elbow nudge me on the side and I looked over at the cause f the disturbance. Anna.

"What?" I hissed.

"She's the owner of this restaurant." I wasn't surprised, the woman wore Tiffany and co. jewelry and Dolce and Gabbana heels. She walked like a model on a catwalk.

"Does she know that I'm working here?" Anna laughed and I gave her a puzzled look.

"That woman doesn't even know her son's birthday, so that's a no for your question." I chuckled softly at her reply. I should've known. I'm not one to judge but from what I've heard, rich people only cared about money, success and fame.

I scoffed and watched as she talked to the manager whom I haven't met. I learned earlier today that he was the one who called me. He had jet black hair with a silver color coating his roots. He possessed green eyes that seemed visibly scary from a distance.

"But let me tell you, she has a son that is to die for," she dreamily informed me.

"I wouldn't kill myself for a guy Anna," I spoke truthfully with a slight smirk.

"You won't be saying that the minute he walks through those doors," she replied with the same smirk etched to her face.

"Really, Anna, I'm not going to commit suicide, meaning ending my existence because of a male specimen," I logically reasoned.

"What if the guy's David Beckham?" she attempted to inquire.

"No." I easily answered.

"Zac Efron?"


"Colton Haynes?" her eyes squinted, examine my reaction,

"Still a no,"

"Okay fine, what about Harry styles?"

"Ugh, no!"

"Oh come on, he has those adorable green eyes, and those kissable pink lips, and the curls oh the curls" she resumed attempting to change my perspective but yet she failed miserably.

"We'll I would-" I got cut off by a woman clearing her throat.

"Why don't you two get a cup off coffee and continue your little chit-chat on that table." She muttered sarcastically. Her tone of voice held so much authority and power that made me feel like a peasant compared to her. Anna lowered her gaze to the floor.

"I'm sorry Ms. Williams, it won't happen again" she muttered incoherently.

"It better not, now get back to work." we both started walking away until she opened her red coated lips again.

"Not you," she pointed her perfectly manicured finger at me. I froze in my place and looked back at her. Anna scurried off and I remained in place.



"Who are you?" she asked annoyed and frustrated with the current situation. That woman clearly had anger issues.

"Adriana Lancaster," I responded.

"Stop acting like a smart ass. What are you doing here?" I was at loss of words. I was bewildered at the fact that she referred to me as a 'smart ass'. What posh woman spoke that way?

"I work here ma'am," I was utterly tempted to activate my foul mouth dictionary but I had to show her an ounce of respect if I was willing to maintain a job here.

"Since when have I hired you?"

"You'll have to talk to the manager about that" with that, I planned on walking away but she stopped me.

"I never dismissed you, so don't walk away," she spoke in a threatening tone.

"Sorry, it won't happen again,"

"I know because if it does, you'll be FIRED." She shouted her last word and walked away with here heels releasing an irritating sound. I stood there completely shocked, did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed? So it is true, rich people were rude. I shook my head and walked to Anna's direction.

"Traitor," I playfully muttered to her.

"I'm sorry, but that woman never fails to scare me." I rolled my eyes and went back to work.

• • • • • • •

I stuffed my books in my locker and suddenly someone slammed it shut.

"Jesus," I spoke within instinct as I was greeted by that blonde whom was exchanging saliva with the asshole a.k.a Ryder.

"Hi, I'm Jessica, and you are?" she  smiled sweetly down at my figure.

"Is it really that important? If so, then it's Adriana,"

"Right. Well, I just noticed you and my Ryder were pretty close yesterday, he's mine so I suggest you back off." woah what happened to 'Hi I'm Jessica' and the smiling.

"I don't know what you heard but he was indirectly threatening me," I said matter-of-factly.

"I don't care about what he did, but he's mine, got it?" how territorial can one be?

"Possessive much?" she didn't reply, but only walked away. Last thing I wanted in my life was extra drama. No, thank you! I sighed and walked to my next class hoping the day would go smoothly.

• • • • • • •

Hey guys

I hit 200 reads and only two chapters and I'm so fucking happy. Thank you to all the people who have given me positive feedback on this book. So if you enjoyed this chapter please vote,comment, and share with others.

Until next time,


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