-A few more questions, while thoughts are spiralling-

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"Red what do you think of Eteled? Have you met Sam?"
"I think that Eteled is an okay person compared to the few other people I've... Met over time. As for his friend, Sam... I have not met her yet. But from what Eteled has told me about her, she seems like a... very caring and nice person."
"Red, what is your favorite thing to do in this timeline, and can you go to other timelines?"
"I can't exactly go to other timelines, but I can make portals from one place to another. What do I like to do in this place? Hmm.... There's not many things I can do here, but I like taking parts of songs, and putting them together to try to make a new music track like I used to do in my spare time back home... When I...  wasn't trying to cause... Mass genocide and destruction...."

"Red, when you're extremely triggered what would you do?"
"Oh, that answer is pretty simple; I destroy things until I'm not angry anymore."

"Any other questions for me...?"

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