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Eteled: "Oh... jeez... there's a lot of questions... might not be able to answer all of them..."

"Who would you say is least likely to start a fight, but more likely to win one?"

Eteled: "Hmm..."

Everyone: "Sam."


"Sam, did you used to be girly when you were a kid?"

Sam: "You mean when I was like, five? Despite everyone's efforts to force me to be super 'girly', I refused to be that way. Also... I don't like that word used to describe certain things... 'girly'? Who the fuck "


"I'm curious, do you guys have like- an actual day and night system in the wii, or is it just a void? Ps; I like your jackets, Sam."

Eteled: "Right now, we don't have one yet, but we're working on implementing it-"

Austin: "YoU mEaN I'M wOrKInG On iMPlEmeNtiNG iT!"

Eteled: "E-Either way, we're working on it-"


"To William, why do you bully people? Is everything alright at home?"

Will is silent for a while.

Will: "It's just.... everything... it.... I..."


Will: "I...  I just... do. It.... kinda makes me feel a bit better about myself... don't know why, it just... does. And... home? Uh... well... mom... isn't the greatest, and dad... is barely home. Actually, barely anyone was home most of the time... I hate having to make chicken nuggets for myself every night... gets boring..."


"Kyle and Nathan, did you ever get over your trauma with Eteled?"

Kyle: "Not fully... but I'm working on it..."

Nathan: "Well, uh... I don't like remembering... that... but I'm trying to forget..."


"Eteled and Austin, if you could rate you childhood from 0 to 10, how would you rate it?"

Eteled: "Eight."

Austin: "SeVEn."


"Sam, what would you do if you found out Eteled killed Austin-"

Sam: "I... already know? I found out about it a few months ago, and I didn't know what to really think of it for a while... I left the Wii alone for a day, and when I came back, Austin told me Eteled had gone into the hallway and hadn't come back, so he had to drag Eteled back to the Mii Plaza to talk to me... things were super awkward for us for a while, but we just sorta continued being friends like nothing happened."

Sam: "I have mixed feelings on Eteled, but.... he's still pretty much my friend..... and I don't want to loose another friend because of a past mistake.. again...."


"To everyone, if you could change one thing about your past, what would you change?"

Sam: "Loosing friends because of my stupidity-"

Eteled: "...Existing. at all."

Sam: "Are... you alright?"

Eteled: "...No."

Kyle: "Telling that one friend about the whole Eteled thing... I hate him..."

Nathan: "Stealing that little Godzilla eraser I found at school in 6th grade. I still have it, and I never used it cause it looks too good to use."

Austin: "Hm... I dOn'T kNOw If I'd cHanGe aNyTHiNg..."

Will: "Making my parents hate each other-"

Eteled: "Wait, what-"

Nathan: "Are... you okay, Will?-"

Will: "Leave me alone!"



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