Concert Last Part

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Concert 🎙 Last Part
(A month later)
You have been hanging out with Demi quite a bit the past month. You guys have really gotten close. You have a huge crush on Demi and you want to ask her out.....but you weren't sure if she would say yes or see you "as a friend." You had made a plan. You invited Demi to go to Halloween horror nights. She obviously agreed to go. Your plan was to take her and at the end of the her out. You were getting ready for the night when Demi called. 'Hey!' "Hey d I'm leaving right now." 'Okay! I'll see you in a few!' You finished getting ready and headed to Demi's. You pulled up and honked. She ran out waving at you. She got in and gave you a hug. 'Hey y/n!' "Hey Demi! Excited?!" 'Very! I love Halloween horror nights! Thank you for inviting me!' "Of course! No one else I'd rather go with!" She smiles and you guys blasted tunes and sang all the way there. You pulled up and parked. You looked over at Demi. "Let's go!" You both got out of the car and walked to the entrance. Immediately you heard screaming and Demi looked at you. 'Must be scary!' "Psh whatever." 'Oooohhh you're scared!' "Me!? No! You're the scared one!" 'I'm not afraid to admit it though! I like getting scared! I like horror!' " tough huh?!" 'Yup!' You guys walked in and right away someone jump scares you. "Jesus! Oh man...." Demi laughed. "Ha. Ha." 'Oh man....this is gonna be great!' You and Demi walked around getting scared out of your minds. You guys rode rides and had a blast. After quite a few hours you guys called it a night. 'Man...I'm tired!' "Me too....I'll take you home." You drove Demi back to her house and walked her to her door. 'Thank you again for a great night! I especially loved when you screamed every time someone scared you and you clutched my arm!' "Oh get over yourself! You got way more scared than me! And you hid in my jacket!" Demi laughed. 'Okay....maybe...' you stared into Demi's beautiful brown eyes. "Hey....I've been wanting to ask you something for quite a while now......" 'hold on for a second. Can I say something?' "Sur......" Demi interrupted you and kissed you. She pulled away. 'I've been wanting to do that all night.' "Well....that answered my question." Demi giggled. 'Well ask me.' "Well.....I was going to ask you out...." 'yes.' "I figured you'd say yes." 'Smartass.....come here.' Demi grabbed your shirt and pulled you in for another kiss.......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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