Concert Part 2

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Concert 🎙 Part 2
You looked at Devonne. "Wait. I follow you too!" 'What?! Let me see!' She looked at her phone. 'Wow. Small world.' "I know right!' Ariana came out and you both sang along. Intermission came. The lights came on. 'Oh man I'm sweating!' You look over and laugh. "Yeah I know huh......" you locked eyes with. Demi. Fucking. Lovato. You whispered to her. "Devonne Huh. Smooth." She laughed. 'I couldn't blow my cover! And I figured it would be more mysterious that way.' You rolled your eyes. "Could've just told me!" 'I'm sorry!' "It's fine. I understand." 'You do?' "Yeah I get it. You're trying to just have fun be yourself. Your secret is safe with me." Demi smiled. 'Thank you y/n.' You guys sat for a minute. " Ariana fan account huh." She laughed nervously. 'Yeah....I pretty much made it so I can look at memes and see what my fans post and stuff.' "Ah gotcha. Why an Ariana fan account? Why not a fan account of....yourself?" 'Less obvious.' "Makes sense.....but honest. You're a huge fan." 'I am haha!' You laughed. "I kinda figured." Ariana came back and you both sang your hearts out for the rest of the concert. Demi's voice was so beautiful. You wish this concert lasted forever. Unfortunately the concert came to an end. 'Wow she was amazing!' "I know! Unbelievable! I'm so glad I came!" Demi smirked. 'Same.' "Well. It was awesome to meet you....Devonne. Have a great night." Demi smiled. You started to walk away. 'Wait y/n!' You turned around. "Yeah." 'Not even gonna ask for my number?!' You laughed. "I didn't want to be one of those people." 'Well.....' Demi walked over and put her hand out. 'Gimme your phone.' You handed her phone. 'There. I have your number and you have mine. Call me.' You stood blown away. "Uh yeah definitely!" 'Bye y/n....' "bye." You left and headed home. You called Frankie. 'Hey y/n.' "Hey're you doing?" 'I'm okay. I'm sorry I didn't was it?' "It was okay. But what's going on? Are you okay?" 'Yeah everything is good now. Just some health scares from my grandma. She went to the ER.' "Oh my god. I hope she's okay." 'She's better. So tell me everything! How was Ariana?' "Amazing of course.....guess what?!" 'What?' "I met someone. You'll never guess who?!" 'Who?' "Demi. Fucking. Lovato!!!" 'No!' "Yes!" 'What?! Where?!' "At the concert! She was sitting right next to me!!" 'Ugh. So jealous....did you talk to her?' "Yes I did. And...." 'and?' "I got her number!!!" 'You're lying.' "No! I'm serious!" 'What?! How?!' "I guess she likes me? I don't know. But we hit it off! She's awesome l. She's funny. She's kind. And she looked so hot not gonna lie." Frankie laughed. 'You better call her!' "I'm planning on it. Maybe tomorrow...maybe the next day." 'Aaahhh gonna make her anticipate. I like it!' "Yup. Can't be too available." 'True. Well I'm super jealous. But I'm happy for you. I hope everything works out!' "Me too.........."

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