Concert Part 1

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Concert 🎙 Part 1
You and your friend Frankie were buying tickets to go and see Ariana grande. (I know so original.) you were really excited. You were looking at the sections and decided you wanted to be in the pit. 'The pit? Really?' "Yeah! Cmon! It's not like we're gonna sit anyways. And she will be like right there!" 'Ugh fine!' You booked the tickets and couldn't wait to go. The show was a couple of days away. You went on about your day running errands and cleaning the house.
(Day Of The Concert)
You woke up and got ready for the day. You called Frankie. "Hey! Ready for tonight?!" 'Hey. I'm sorry something came up.....I can't go. But I want you to go.' "What's going on? Are you okay?" 'Yeah....I'll talk to you about it later....just....have fun okay?' "Okay...." you hung up and felt a little upset. You were sad to hear something serious was going on with Frankie. Hopefully things get better for him. But you tried to stay excited for the show tonight. You got ready for the show and headed to the concert hall. You drove down and parked your car. You steeped out. "Wow. This place is huge!" You walked in and people were filing in. There were so many people. There had to of been at least 35,000 people. You walked down to the pit and bumped into someone. "Oops I'm sorry." 'Oh I'm sorry it was my bad.' "It's okay omg very clumsy." 'Haha! Me too!' "Hi I'm y/n." 'Hi I'm de.....Devonne.' "Devonne. What a beautiful name." 'Thanks haha.' She said shyly. 'Is that your seat?' "Um yeah." She pointed to the seat next to yours. 'I'm here!' "What a coincidence!" 'Life is crazy sometimes!' "Yeah haha. So how long have you been a fan of Ariana?" 'Ummm a few years now. I try to see her as much as I can.' "Oh cool!" 'Yeah.....I actually have a fan account.' "No way! Really?" 'Yeah...I'm kind of embarrassed....' "Don't be. I have a fan account to. But for someone else." 'Oh really...who?' "Demi Lovato." 'Whaaaat? That's craaaaaazy.......' you laughed. Devonne looked very familiar but it was dark so it was hard to see her face clear. 'Well let me follow you! What's your account name?!' "Oh okay! It's.....(your account name)." 'Wow. Okay. This is insane. I'm already following you.' "What? Let me see!" You looked at her phone. "Wow. This is insane!......wait hold on. Let me see again." You looked at her phone. You're eyes widened............

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