"There is no need for formalities, Jinx. Rise," Tribe Leader Remaro stated.

The tension in the air crackled as Jinx looked up. "Thank you...Grandfather."

As Alastar boiled down the basics of what was occurring, much of what Remaro already knew, we lay immersed in uncomfortable silence. Jinx was sullen in one corner and none of us had the guts to approach him. Even after Remaro's dismissal, he had remained coiled and defensive. Sora kept casting anxious looks around the room and I was scanning for exits should Jinx decide to do something and we needed to make a break for it.

"Of course I can provide you with horses and supplies," Remaro was saying to Alastar. "After all, old friend, it's the least I can do."

Alastar thanked him. "Good, but make sure to fortify the defenses around the entire camp. Draw everyone from the rural areas back to the main town. The Predators will strike soon enough and you must be prepared. You remember what I taught you, correct?"

Remaro confirmed. "Yes, I can recall those lessons. Strike for the chest or elemental magic can destroy them."

"They will continue to get stronger," Alastar warned. "Until they are sealed back into their cavernous cage, more will continue to break through. Do everything you can to protect the tribesmen's souls."

The meeting was drawing to a close.

"Alas, I know how my people will react to this news. Our superstitions may well create more problems for us."

Alastar clapped his shoulder. "I'm sure you will know what to do."

Remaro stood and the rest of us were instantly on our feet. "You all must be weary. I offer a night of rest in my family's household. Tomorrow morning will be the best time to set off."

We bowed in thanks but hurried to leave the tent. We trekked back to where a room had been prepped for our arrival. Four beds lay on the ground; I assumed Alastar would be resting somewhere else.

A basin was presented for each of us to clean off in separate rooms and afterward fresh clothing was worn. The costumes that Sora's family had given us would be washed and ready to go in the morning.

I leaned on the wall, looking at Jinx through the side of my vision. He still seemed jumpy and stiff.

Sora put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up, tied his blindfold on, and cleared his throat. "So I'm guessing you want an explanation?"

No one responded, not knowing what to say.

Jinx tried for a smile. "Yes, my grandfather is the current tribe Leader. My father will be the next leader. And assuming I live, I will be after. Mother's not around a lot, she's busy handling the market finances and father's running the counsel of advisors for Grandfather."

He trailed off, looking sightlessly at the wall.

Sora moved to his line of 'view' and forced him to face her. "It doesn't matter what your lineage is or who you were. Look at the rest of us -- what we care about is who you are now, not then. You don't need to tell your story if you don't want to."

Jinx glanced down, a small smile spreading on his face. He sobered and said, "No it's alright. After the Ceremony my abilities sort of appeared out of nowhere when things got stressful. My grandfather was ready to ship me off and get rid of me when Alastar appeared. Grandfather knew about the legends and wanted to send me to another tribe but Alastar said he would teach me how to control this...thing. He saved me from leaving this place and I owe him that."

He cast his hands around the room, noticing our expression and how no one was speaking. "Long story short, I would never betray Alastar. So stop looking so glum and cheer up! We're off to the Avian camp tomorrow, so rest up!"

Jinx sent a few tiny pebbles to flick us in the forehead. Then turn over in his bed before we could retaliate. "'Night!"

Before dawn broke the horizon, the four of us plus our mentor were packed and ready to leave. Ash and Alastar had already agreed to travel to the Avian camp based on a vision he saw. Five sturdy horses were lined up, complete with packed bags. Sora was fixing the tack on her steed, ever the lover of animals. She'd always been good with horses before Sylvia had barged into our previous relationship.

Jinx and his grandfather were standing off to the side, Jinx visibly tense and Tribe Leader Remaro seemingly unconcerned. As I walked up, I heard the words, "make me proud," and he walked away.

"Hey," I bumped shoulders with Jinx. "Everything okay?"

He nodded, adjusting his blindfold. "Yeah. Just the weight of expectations crippling me." He smirked. "It'll be fine. I'm more worried about Grandfather and the tribe."

I didn't press the matter and mounted my horse. The rest of them followed suit.

There was no send-off besides the tribe leader and his guards. This wasn't a celebration, this was an unknown mission. While the public had to be informed, it was best that others shouldn't know our next move since -- as we'd learned from Dakota -- spies could be anywhere. We'd discarded our costumes, permanently, for plain Serpentine garbs. Even Sora, who'd had a hand in making every stitch, admitted that the clothes were gaudy and unpractical.

"Hey!" A voice broke through the fog. "Where were you, Mel?"

I stared at him, eyes wide. Familiar guilt settled onto my chest, making it hard to breathe. "Adrian?! What are you doing here?"

He panted, hands on his knees and gasping for air. "I've been looking for you for the past week. I wanted to apologize." He looked up at me, on clear emotion in his eyes: shame. "I shouldn't have treated you like that after I found out about..." He gestured listlessly. "All of this."

Looking down, I clenched the reins and forced the words out. "Adrian, I have to tell you that -- " 

That Raymond is gone. No, dead.

Adrian cut me off with a grief-stained smile. "I know. And I know you tried your best. It's okay."

A lump formed in my throat. I dismounted and ran to him, catching him in a hug. "Thanks. It's nice to have my best friend back."

He smiled and embraced me for a moment longer, then pointed back to where the others were waiting. "You should go."

I turned back and took a deep breath. "Yeah."

"Take them down for me alright?" Adrian said, parting with me. "For Ray."

"I will."

And with that promise made I mounted my horse again and waved goodbye. Alastar and Remaro exchanged one last handshake and we were off into the mist. A steady fog had blown in from the swamp and settled on the edges of our vision. The visibility was limited and we were eager to see the sun pierce through the clouds.

The road would be steep and long to the Avian tribe. We had a little less than a month to arrive and then quickly make for the Ursidae camp.

I just hoped we would make it in time.

(Side Note: I know I should be working on the stories but I couldn't resist drawing my boy, Jinx. Ahhh I love him so much X3)

 Ahhh I love him so much X3)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Wolf at Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें