A twist

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       " Finally we're going back to school again! I can finally go out "  Della texted " Garedara " . Well " Garedara " is actually the name of our gang, You know~  Me, Della, Laura, and Kim, Oh! I forgot. Hi! I'm Emma, Im in Junior High and probably having the worst time right now, jeez. Wait! Im gonna tell you why, well that's why your here right? hahaha. It all started
when school was about to start, I was eating breakfast at the table, mom made some pasta today and it was so good. I packed my bag and left, as I arrived, I was greeted with a plesant surprise. " Emma! OMG, I missed you so much! "Julie said with so much excitement. Ah yes~ Julie, one of my closes friend but not really? I guess~. One by one, my friend started to come. I was so exited to see my bestfriend again! It feels like it's been forever. As I seat down in my chair I saw Mason, the guy I liked in 8th grade but we are still friend's tho, close friends. " Good morning class! Welcome to the first day of school! " said our advicer. The whole class did not seem happy but I was excited!, I thought Everything was going my way! perfectly~ . Until I saw-

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