So Her Names...

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Later on that day, Austin and I decided to go get breakfast. "When do you see Carter again?" I asked as we sat down in a booth.

"In 2 days." He replied as he grabbed a menu. I nodded slowly.

"He's the cutest little boy." I giggled. Austin laughed.

"Well... He is my son. I mean, look at me." Austin grinned.

"I see you alright." I laughed.

"I think I know what I want to order." Austin said setting his menu down.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"You." Austin smirked.

"Hold on there boy." I laughed. "Anyways that's desert." I chuckled. Austin raised his eyebrow.

"Oh really." He replied. I nodded. He moved over, moving closer to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He smiled, pushing his lips into mine.

"Everything's perfect." He said.

"I'm glad." I smiled. "Now... I want pancakes." I laughed.


Austin and I finished eating our breakfast. "I'm so full." Austin said wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I mean, you did eat like 10 pancakes." I laughed.

"Are you judging me?" Austin giggled. I shook my head, as a presence stood next to us. She looked around 17 years old.

"Hi Austin, I'm Sarah, I've been a fan for so long. Is it okay, if I get a picture?" She asked nervously. A huge smile spread across Austin's face.

"Of course." He said standing up. A lady who must've been her mother, took the picture.

"Is that your girlfriend?" The girl whispered to Austin loud enough for me to hear.

"Yeah." Austin blushed.

"She's beautiful." The girl giggled.

"I know." Austin smiled

"I'm so glad, that you're happy again." She said pulling Austin in for a hug.

"I wouldn't be if it wasn't for you Mahomies, my son, friends, family and of course Dani." He smiled. I felt myself blush in redness. The girl walked up to me, embracing me in a hug.

"Don't worry, us Mahomies will love you. You seem like a sweet girl." She whispered in my ear. "Unlike Cameron." She whispered softly. That was his ex wife's name was?

"It was nice meeting you." I smiled. She waves goodbye, one last time. Austin walked up to me.

"Ready to go." He said pulling me closer by my waist. I nodded slowly.


Austin and I walked back to our car. He began to drive. I took out my phone and went onto twitter. I searched 'Austin and Cameron'. A load of tweets popped up. Some like:

"They finally got divorced."

"So happy Austin is moving on from that b."

"He finally understood that we hated her."

"The only thing I liked about Cameron was her son. But that's because Austin helped make him." I logged off the twitter app. I wanted to see how she looked. I searched the same thing on safari. Wow. She was gorgeous. I looked through images. Some, from Austin and her's wedding day and how happy he looked. I had to say the pictures of them kissing made me feel.. Jealous. Though we weren't together then, it still hurt to look.

"What are you doing there?" Austin giggled. The thing I did next I  had to say it. "So her names Cameron." I replied. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

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