To the Past

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Austin has to drop off Carter at his ex wife's house and I invited him over to keep his mind off of things. "How did everything go? I asked as Austin and I sat side by side on the couch.

"It went alright and then Carter mentioned you." Austin replied. I stayed quiet. Did he mean it as a way of me ruining something? It had to, there's no other meaning for what he just said.

"Well.. I'm sorry, I guess.." I mumbled. Austin stared at me for a second.

"You do know that it's not your fault nor anybody's but hers." Austin added. "She just can't stand that after everything she and I have been through, I found someone. Someone who I could talk to, and have them care and want to help." Austin said standing up from his seat. Someone, so beautiful, somebody like you." Austin continued facing me. I stood up from the couch.

"Who could've known, the party that I was forced to attend, would lead me to such an amazing guy." I replied. Austin smiled pulling his arms around my waist.

"I think its about time for me to do this.." Austin chuckled. "Dani, will you be my girlfriend?" Austin smiled.

"Austin, I would love to." I said kissing his lips.


Austin and I spent the rest of the night joking around on the couch, watching movies, and getting to know each other better. "I didn't have a father growing up. It doesn't faze me anymore. But it just motivates me to being the best dad to Carter." Austin said.

"I think you already accomplished that, by the way I see it." I replied.

"Okay, you're turn. How about your family?" Austin asked.

"Mines really long and- you don't really want to hear it." I responded.

"But I do. I'm all ears." Austin said moving himself closer to me. I sighed, nodding me head slowly.

"From the day I was born until the day I was 11, everything seemed to be alright. Turns out, people change, and aren't always what they seem." I began. "My parents got divorced when I was 11. And I remember hearing my mom and dad fight in the other room and hope everything would get better. Every night, every fight, I would pray. Pray to god, everything would get better." I continued.

"But it didn't?" Austin asked. I closed my eyes, slowly nodding as a tear fell down my cheek.

"After the divorce and everything I witnessed as a child, that began my anxiety attacks. Everything just came crashing in. My mother had to take care of 3 kids, all of which my father ditched. There was one point when we lived with my grandmother for a while. Us kids not knowing what was going on, we thought it was just a sleepover every night. It was far from it. After a while I remember my mom going out, and soon led me so my step dad. I didn't like him at first but soon it changed. I wouldn't be the person I am today, without him and all the things that happened."  I said as Austin wipes the tears that fell down my face with his thumb.

"Where's your dad now?" Austin asked.

"I still talk to him. We aren't close but I still talk to him. He lives out here in Miami, though I grew up in California." I replied.

"We should change that, go out to lunch with him or-' Austin began.

"No. I'm not ready for that. I'm not ready to call him dad again." I interrupted.

"Come here." Austin said pulling me into his lap. He shushed me as I closed my eyes. Slowly falling asleep in his arms.


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