Something New

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"The party is going to be fun!" My friend Maggie said through the phone. "Who knows you might find the love of your life?" She continued.

"I don't know, I have to go to work early tomorrow morning and I'll be to tired to even-" I began.

"You're going. I'll pick you up in 1 hour." She said hanging up the phone. I groaned as I walked over to my closer and looked for an outfit. Black skirt, black busteer seemed right.


I finished getting dresses as a honk sounded in the front of my house. I quickly grabbed my keys and purse walking out of my front door, making sure to lock it. "You look hot." Maggie giggled.

"Like you said, I might see the love of my life." I smirked. We began to drive to the party. "This will be fun." I said walking out of the car to hear loud music play throughout the house. We walked inside to be greeted. Maggie must have found a guy to "talk" to since I  turned around to see her nowhere near me. I looked around, to see if I could find someone I knew.

"Alex! I haven't seen you in forever!" I squealed jumping into one of my friends arms.

"I'm glad you made it! The cool people are outside, if you would like to join them!" He yelled through the blaring music. I nodded as we both made our way outside.

"Guys this is one of my good friends Dani." Alex said walking up to 3 guys. They all smiled though one caught my eye. "This is Robert, Zach, and Austin!" Alex yelled through the music. Austin was his name.

"It's nice to meet you guys!" I yelled.

"Just saying Austin is newly single!" Alex chuckled. That was good to know. "I'm gonna go get some drinks!" Alex said. Zach and Robert decided to go with, leaving Austin and I alone.

"You seem quiet!" I yelled through the music.

"I'm not usually like this! Its just different you know!" Austin yelled back through the music.

"What's different!?" I yelled.

"Do you want to go somewhere quieter?!" He yelled back. I nodded slowly, as we made our way inside the house to find somewhere quiet.


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