Henrik nodded, "Yes, I should be leaving as well. Have a long day tomorrow. See me sometime next week, Chase" he pat his shoulder.

Jameson signed to him, 'It was nice to see you again, Chase. But I'm afraid I need to take my leave as well. Come see me sometime, chap'

That just left Chase and Marvin. The others got into their vehicles and left the parking lot.

"I need to talk to you alone, Chase. Perhaps you could give me a ride back to my shop and we could talk then?"

'I don't trust this'

'You're just worried he'll catch you.'

'I'm not worried! Fuck off. Magic man ain't got nothing on me!'

Chase smirked but nodded to Marvin, "Sure Marv. Hop on in"


As he started the car and drove out of the parking lot, Marvin hummed, "So. . . . What did you use that flashdrive for, Chase?"

Chase sighed.

He knew Marvin knew something, "You know what for, Marvin. Stop pretending."

"Ah yes. Your 'Anti' problem. How's that working out?"

"Once again, I think you already know"

" . . . I'm sorry, Chase."


"I was hoping you were just off your rocker. Going a tad insane from the lack of sleep and nightmares. But once you threw me your phone. . . .yeah. I could sense him"

Chase parked on the side of the road and sniffled, " . . . .why didn't you do anything, Marv?" his voice cracked, "Why did you let me believe I could go insane? Because NOW. . . .now the little fuck is in my head because YOUR SPELLED FLASHDRIVE DIDN'T WORK!"

Anti growled in his mind but Chase couldn't care less about his feelings right now. Or lack thereof.

"Because technically it wasn't meant to be used for that!" Marvin rebutted, "Anti is not. . . wait, can he hear me?"

"He's in my fucking head, Marvin. Yes, he can hear you."

'Loud and clear. Fuck, I wish I could claw out his eyes.'

Marvin nodded, "The flashdrive was meant for a demon that infused itself with technology. While Anti sounds like he fits the bill, that is not the case. Anti's not a demon. He's an ego. I should have known it was you buying that thing but the site has automated responses that I spell-programmed in."

"Not good thinking on your part~" Chase sang ironically.

"Yeah. So Anti's in your head? Doesn't seem to be bothering you much."

"Sure. For now. Can you get him out?"

That's where Marvin looked a bit worried, "I can. . . .but I don't want to."

'Fucking pussy cat' Anti chuckled in his head, 'He really is afraid of me. He should be. I'll spill his blood first.'

"Can you hear him in my head, Marvin?"

He shook his head, "No. I can sense him there but I can't here him"

"Lucky you. He wants out, Marv. Says he wants to kill you first."

"I bet he does. We're not gonna let him out, though, Chase"

"And why not?! Just take precautions!"

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