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Prince Adrian couldn't go back to sleep after that nightmare. It troubled his mind and clouded all his thoughts. He had difficulties while trying to get it off his mind and finally gave up, he couldn't sleep, the thought just wouldn't let him. 

He got up and took a bath. After taking the bath and wearing his clothes, he went to his study and continued reading further into the mythical creature book which he had taken from the library.

He went through it page after page till something caught his eye, "Goblins"

He opened the page and looked at the drawing that was on the page, it looked exactly like the creatures he had seen in his dream.

He started reading the passage 

Goblins, known to have been the enemies of Elves, Dragons, Dwarves and humans were selfish creatures who never cared about the world and consumed everything and never got satisfied. Savages that brought nothing but loss and conflict to everyone. 

They waged war upon the land before the rise of man. In the war, goblins and trolls became allies and fought against the elves, dwarves, dragons and humans. Lives were lost on both sides. But the goblins and trolls suffered the greatest loss and the few who survived the war were kept captive. 

After their fall, the few that remained were banished from Terra Mirabilli and were never allowed to step foot on the land again. Since then, no goblin has ever been seen and their kind is thought to be extinct for a very long time. No traces of their existence have been seen or recorded anywhere or by anyone. 

The prince looked up and sighed, "It was just a bad dream" he said to himself putting his left arm on his forehead.


Two days past Prince Rex made it his daily habit waking up early and getting to the training grounds before anyone else. It annoyed him more than anything in the world but as long as it kept him from staying in Shreeya, he had no choice.

His relationship with commander Fredrik grew better by the passing day. But his arrogance was still a problem. The prince looked after his horse and kept it fed and in good health.

He got used to the daily training everyday and even made a few friends.

After the training of the day was over he took his horse and headed back to the castle.

He was exhausted after the long day in training and decided to go sleep. 

The prince nearly fell asleep when Joseph came rushing inside his room. His face looked worried.

"My prince, I’m sorry for interrupting your sleep, but you have to go to the hall immediately!" said Joseph.

"What is it now?" Asked the prince in a very angry tone. His face carried an angry expression.

"I can’t be the one to tell you, you have to be in the hall right now" replied Joseph.

Joseph turned around and immediately rushed out of the room. The prince had a look of disgust on his face. He got up and stretched his hands before he walked out of the room. He descended the staircase and approached the hall.

In the hall, he found Joseph, Commander Fredrick, Prince Adrian and the grand Wizard all seated on the dining table waiting for the prince to arrive. They all had sad and worrying expressions on their faces. It sent a chill down his spine. He knew something was wrong, what else would it be? He got a feeling that whatever he was going to hear was not going to be good.

"What is it?" asked the prince.

"Have a seat please," replied the Grand wizard.

The prince pulled out a chair and sat down on the cold wood.

"As you know my prince, we've been keeping a close watch on your fathers’ progress from his journey." said the wizard. 

"But what does this have to do with waking me up from my nap?"

"Yesterday I couldn't connect to his mind, it was blank. I tried again and only saw darkness, nothing more."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

 "Father is dead!" shot out prince  Adrian with a tear rolling down his cheeks as he did. Tears began to pour and he was left with a raw emptiness. Every memory he once shared with him was now buried. 

"I'm so sorry my prince." Added the grand wizard with a very sad expression on his face while he looked down. 

"It can't be." Replied prince Rex.

"There's no other explanation to it." Said the grand wizard.

"But.....but...." He stammered as his eyes glimmered with watery tears. He felt as if his whole world was about to crumble. He began to sob as tears poured like that of a waterfall, his only break being when he struggled with all his might to inhale another breath of life. 

Joseph who always had been like a father to him got up from his chair, walked up to him and rubbed him on the back.

"It's gonna be alright, Rex" Said Joseph.

The prince hugged him.

Prince Adrian had never seen his brother cry before but the loss of their father was just too much pain for both of them. Even Joseph had tears falling from his cheeks. It was worse than crying, it was desolate sobs that come when someone begins to feel drained from any sort of hope. 

Both of them felt like they had been shattered into pieces. They knew that to be broken was tough but recovering from the loss was worse. Their father was the most important person in their lives. He was their world, and now he was gone, taken away from them.

First their mother was clinched from them, now their father. What was happening? Were they cursed? 


Ok for anyone wondering why I'm updating a lot lately. Well let's just say my parents have me locked up in the house cz of corona virus,so I have nothing else to do😂

A special thanx to Ayah_Zurar for helping me with editing the chapter

Also I'd like to mention the stories which inspired this story's idea.
1. A song of fire and ice by George R R Martin
2. Inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini
3. The hobbit and Lord of the rings by J. R R. Tolkien

Thanx to all the readers who've tagged along till this chapter, honestly you guys are my fav ppl and you're all unique and very hard to come across and I'm thankful that I have you.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. More things to come......soon😜

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