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While prince Adrian went to the library to study, prince Rex would attend his training sessions with other soldiers. The training grounds for army men in Shreeya was across the river gray.

He dressed a thin fabric clothes and carried his sword, Jade with him. The sword was very special to him he had won it as a prize in a swordsmanship contest.

Jade was rumoured
to be elvish blade that was forged thousands of years ago passed on from generation to generation until it was gifted to prince Rex after displaying one of the greatest swordsmanship ever seen.

Prince Rex crossed the river on a bridge. He arrived the training grounds. He wasn't the tallest nor the most muscular of the soldiers but he was the most courageous and fierce.

"Good morning everyone! " He greeted.
They all nodded silently in response.

"Where is the commander? " Asked the prince.

"Here!" Said an old looking man who stood behind him.

"Oh! Commander." Replied prince Rex with clear shock on his face.

"You're late! " Exclaimed the commander

"Well I had my princely duties to attend to. " He replied with a smirk.

"I don't care, I know you're the prince but under my watch you're my student and I do not entertain excuses. Your father has allowed me to punish you if you do such stupidity. And i will not hesitate to do so with an arrogant person like you." He said, "Give me fifty rounds of the ground now! " He exclaimed.

"But comm... "

"I SAID NOW!" Yelled the commander.

It sent chills through prince Rex's spine, he felt embarrassed. He dropped the sword he was holding and started running in circles around the ground.

After about thirty minutes of running around prince Rex finished fifty rounds. He stopped near the other soldiers who were sparring with swords.

He stood there all sweaty and panting. Sweat dripped from his chin to the ground as he watched the drops fall on the grass and slide down into the soil. He was breathing heavily.

"Stop standing there and make a move! " The commander yelled at him from a distance.

The prince jogged to the armoury and put on a metal armour. He walked back to the place where he dropped his sword picked it up and put it in the holder.

He went to the place where all the soldiers were standing and stood with a group of people he knew.

"That was quite harsh of him" Whispered one of the soldiers next to the prince.
"Yeah, he'll be sorry for doing that." Replied prince Rex.

The commander walked in and stood in front of all the soldiers.

"Today we shall be training on dueling while on a horse" Said the commander. " All of you shall be given a horse which will be yours to feed and clean. It is your responsibility that it is fed and kept in good health, this horse shall accompany you during training and battles. Treat it as a friend. Ill treatment of your horse shall be considered and be counted as irresponsibility. Do I get myself clear? "

"Yes!" Replied the soldiers.

"Am I talking to birds? Is that how you say yes? "

"YES! " Yelled every soldier.

Commander Fredrik was a very direct man. He served the army his whole life. He was a commanding figure he was one of the only people who knew how handle prince Rex.

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