Chapter 26: Things Left Unattended...

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Hello my lovely readers! I hope that you are all doing well, and that COVID19 has not touched you yet, as it is beggining to impact my daily life (no bloody toilet paper, pasta, canned food, rice, frozen fruit, dishwashing liquid or flour and no uni for a week). I would like to say that I think that while this virus is not to be taken lightly, there is also no need for the unprecedented panic that has taken hold of the world. If you need to self isolate, do so. Wash your hands before you eat or put your hands anywhere near your face (espcially your mouth). Read the facts. Panic buying rediculous amounts of food and toilet paper (of all things) does no one any good. It's no good for you, as you're going to look pretty silly in about a years time when you have all this toilet paper and nothing to use it for. It's also especially unhelpful for everyone else who needs to just buy their usually monthly supply of toilet paper (a healthy amount of just one 20 pack sees my sharehouse through about a month). Please. For the love of god. Stop buying toilet paper if you don't need it anymore. It doesn't help anyone, and it just creates more panic and frustration for everyone else. 

Now that I've gotten that rant out of the way, uni's out for a week, so I've had time to finish this chapter. Sooooooo..... enjoy!

-Scarlet out.

Raina didn't feel particularly fantastic. Her head ached, her eyes ached, her arms ached, her legs ached. Everything ached. And, in spite of the fact that Arriana was staring at them both with the grumpiest look she'd yet seen, Raina couldn't find it in her to do anything but slump in the armchair, her eyes drooping. She knew she'd just woken up from a 12 hour nap, but she felt like she'd need another one. A big one.

Funny, I'm not supposed to need sleep, but I feel sleepy anyway?

"Start from the start and tell me everything, and that includes you," Arriana said, pointing at Iris. Iris, for the most part, looked very much awake, and very much terrified. She gulped in response to Arriana's gesture and mutely nodded.

Pyra, for once, was the only one that was somewhat attentive, and, (not unusually for her) relaxed. Needless to say, she was the first to speak.

"Look, I told you, we got a call, we answered it, fought some demons, stole a car -"

"You stole a car?"

Raina saw Pyra bite her lip. "Um... yeah. A Porsche, if you know what that is. For the record, I wanted to steal the Lambo."

Arriana closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. "I know perfectly well what a Porsche is, Pyra," she hissed, her words full of venom.

"Oh, well, that's good. Anyway, we stole the car to get out of New York and away from those demons, then we drove somewhere outside New York. North... North something, can't remember where."

"North Salem," Raina chimed in, spitting the words out and cringing as though they'd left an awfully bitter taste in her mouth.

Arriana shook her head and muttered something about 'North Salem of all places' under her breath, but she otherwise didn't interrupt.

Pyra decided to continue telling the story. "And then we decided to camp for the night, and Iris and I were asleep and Raina was on watch duty, and then we woke up and this thing was attacking which was why Raina put up that sigil thingy -"

"Wait, what thing attacked you?"

"I dunno... it was all pale and skinny and ugly looking."

Arriana rolled her eyes. "You describe all monsters as 'ugly looking'."

"That's 'cause it was."

"Regardless, you need to be more specific."

"Fine then, it was all pale and skinny and it had these shrunken-in eyes, and... and it made me feel scared," Pyra added very quickly at the end.

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