Bonus: Her Day

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Time flies, it was finally Yoongi and your month, March. His birthday just passed awhile ago and without you realize, it's your turn soon. Yoongi made Jin promise to treat everyone on his day and he did it. All of you along with the staffs went to eat meat together. Have some laughs and some good time.

And for your birthday, you don't really wanted to celebrate it but your husband, Yoongi didn't think so. He wanted to celebrate it so bad but in the end, he just couldn't win over you.

So both of you went to a simple dinner date in your favorite restaurant. How surprised you were when you walked in to the restaurant to find it all empty. There's no one beside a waiter and both of you.

"Y-Yoongi... what-"

"Uhh- privacy is everything you said and well yeah, you know, we both don't like crowd that much." He shrug and lead you to the table.

"But still- it doesn't mean that you have to book this whole restaurant. How much does it cost fo-"

"It's nothing compare to the precious time I got to spend with my wife. Now, let's forget about it and enjoy our dinner, okay?" He cut you off and you can't help but agree with him.

The decoration and dimmed lights brighten your mood. The food smells so nice and there, your so called husband looks nothing but perfect. I guess, you wouldn't want to ruin this day.

Once the food were served in front of you, waste no time, both of you and Yoongi starts to eat while talking about stuffs.

"But honey, to be very honest, I haven't bought any gift for you yet. Do you have anything in your mind?" He asked out of the blue, caught you off guard.

Even though, it's true that you don't expect anything from him because his existence as your husband is the gift itself but still, a little surprise gift will do. So you were a little sad.

"Honey, it's fine. You don't have to give me anything. It's just a birthday." you chuckles and laugh it off, avoiding his gaze who lowkey being playful for seconds.

"If you said so, and one more thing. I hate to tell you right now but- I probably won't sleep at home tonight. I got some important things to do at studio." He said, half complaining-half whining to you.

You stopped what you were doing and look up to him.

"Seriously? Out of so many days it has to be today? On my birthday?" Your ego got the best of you and without any filter, you let it all out.

"Honey? You're the one who said it's just a birthday. It doesn't means that I will never sleep at home anymore." He notice the changes of your tones so he become serious too.

"But still- Yoongi, can you just stay with me tonight?"

"I'm sorry but it's unnegotiable." He muttered silently while avoiding your gaze and you immediately know that you can't change his mind.

The dinner went silent and the food even taste bitter after the little argues. You don't even understand why he have to bring it up in the middle of dinner. He could've wait until the dinner has finished or later when you're about to go home. At least, you could've enjoy the dinner better, just not like this.

"I'm sorry for ruining the mood but I really have to go." He breaks the silent through the whole ride when he finally park in front of your house.

"Good night." you muttered coldly and leaving the car without sparing him a glance.

Little did you know, he wasn't really leaving. Actually, not at all.

You were all moody, disappointed, mad, annoyed, but helpless. You know you can't just being selfish and want him for all yourself. Yoongi isn't that type and by forcing him would just drive him away from you. But what to do, it's hard to control your emotion sometimes.

So without any energy you unlocked the door and furrow your eyebrow since you don't remember leaving all the lights out. Slowly your hand reaching to turn on the lights and in the blink of eyes everyone was shouting in unison.


It was Choa with the rest of BTS members minus Yoongi. She was holding a birthday cake for you while others were wearing the birthday hat and throwing some colorful balloons.

"Happy Birthday Cindy!!!" They continue singing the song and surrounding you with hugs. "Make a wish and blow the candle." Hoseok yelled so you quickly close your eyes and make a wish in front of the cake.

Then you blew the candle and everyone was clapping happily.

"Oh my God, you all don't really have to do this. It's just a birthday." You lowkey tearing a little at their efforts, maybe being a little more emotional from earlier argue.

"That's not what you really mean, honey." A pair of familar arms hugging you from your back, makes you flinch a little before noticing, it was no other than your husband.

"Y-Yoongi, how- you? I thought." You were lost in words.

"He's the brain of all of this." Namjoon said which makes you turn around to face Yoongi.

"It's your first birthday as my wife. Of course we have to celebrate it with our friend. I'm sorry for ruining the mood earlier, it was just a prank." And as soon as he confess, you feel tears fell down to your cheeks and everyone was teasing you.

"Awww, my baby is crying." Yoongi even joined.

"I hate you all." You muttered jokingly while Yoongi wipe away your tears.

And here it was, the first birthday celebration with him, my husband and the people I love. This is just the beginning and I'm living for it.

"Happy Birthday my little wifey. I love you Cindy Park."

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