03 Yoon Choa (윤좋아)

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"You know, actually you don't need to walk me home." Choa broke the awkward silence while walking side by side with Taehyung.

Of course, she knew Taehyung and Yoongi well. They're your best friend after all, but that's it. She greets them from time to time. Sometime have a light talk or a meal together. But not even once she got leave alone with any of them without your presence. So this time, it's pretty new.

"Nah, it's pretty late and I can't let a pretty girl like you walk alone." Taehyung chuckles smoothly makes she laughed as well.

"Nice try, but we both know that we're doing that in sake of those two."

"You're right." He scratch his back hair awkwardly, "But do you think it will help anything? I mean, I wonder if it will works."

"Well, it depends but at least we give a moment for them." She smile at him and he quickly shifted his eyes away from her.

"Right, who knows they'll getting closer."

"As if they're not close already."

"Yeah, but like CLOSE close."

Night was getting deeper while the other two was sitting awkwardly in car.

"So, are you even plan to do something? I'm sleepy."

"Do you think I'm not trying to do anything?"

"Well, from my eyes, yes." you sarcastically eyeing him who just keep staring at his phone.

"I'm trying to check if there's any online service around to help us. You think I'm just doing nothing?" Yoongi replied you without even turning to you.

"Why don't you make a call to Tae or anyone who could come and rescue us?"

"I don't want to bother anyone." He shortly muttered and you let out a sigh following by a little mumbles, "You're already bothering me."

"Excuse me?" Yoongi turned to look at you, obviously heard your small mumbles.

"I was joking, chill!" You chuckles at his serious face.

"Not funny." He answered shortly and pay attention back on his phone again.

Well, both of you was stuck in the middle of nowhere because there's a problem with his car. It's not even his car, it's Seokjin, the oldest member in his group. They usually hang out with this car and sometime the other members borrows it as well.

"Have you asked Seokjin? Maybe he have any idea?" you suggested, trying to help.

"First, he's at his girlfriend's. We dropped him earlier before pick you up. Second, he might kill us knowing about the problem. So no, I can't ask help from him." Yoongi mentioned his reasons to you without turn to you, again.

This was new to you because Yoongi usually look at you whenever you talk, which makes you wonder what happened with him tonight.

"First, he's the owner. Sooner or later he have to know. Second, he wouldn't kill any of you. Probably he will get worried if there's something happen to you guys. You're the one who live with him for awhile but why I'm the one to know him better." you laugh a bit but to your surprised, Yoongi turned to you looking all mad?

"Is that so? Then why don't you ask help from him instead of waiting for me since you know him better?!" Yoongi snapped and suddenly get out off the car leaving you dumbfounded.

'What he's so mad for?' you think for awhile, staring at his back.

"Yoongi, yah! Why are you so sensitive tonight? I-" you decided to followed him and about to ask him when you heard a conversation. He's on a phone call.

"Yeah, I'll send you the location. Please come soon. Thank you." He hung up the call and turn around to face you. "I made a call to the online service, they'll arrive in 15 minutes. Let's wait inside the car." And with that, he walks passed you back to the car, leaving you, again.

'Why you always makes me so frustrated, Min Yoongi?'

You arrived at home about 30 minutes later and you basically wasting your time wondering what's wrong with your best friend, your crush to be details. He didn't talk much when both of you back to the car. You tried to talk with him but he only reply with a word or two.

'Maybe he's having a bad day? But no, he was fine later. He even smile and laugh along together earlier. Ah right, Yoon Choa.

Min Yoongi, If you really fall for Choa, then this must be some kind of K-Drama but sadly, I'm not the protagonist in this story while you are.'


"Choa, you're late." you muttered coldly without turning to her who just rushing into your room.

"I-I'm sorry Cindy. I was ov-"

"Keep it. Please help me copy this document. We'll have a meeting with Mr. Cha and Mr. Yong in 30. They probably agree to help us pushing our idea." You cutted her almost instantly and give her the document.

"S-sure." Choa was surprised at your new attitude. You weren't the type to avoid eye gaze when you talk. Second, you don't even hand the document right to her hand like usual, instead you just put it on the table without even spare her a glance. "But, Cindy. I'm terribly sorry for-"

"I said keep it, Choa. If you feel bad please do your task faster, it will help better." You cut her again, still didn't spare her a glance.

"Alright." She finally give up and leave the room to do her task.

Slowly, you stare at her back and let out a long sigh.

'Cindy, please be professional. Don't let your personal feelings ruin it. Focus. FOCUS.' you keep telling yourself.

Of course you feel bad for treating her like that. She's someone who has been with you for awhile and she knew you well. You love her presence and you know she's a nice person. You know that but still you can't help but feel a little bit jealous at her. The thought about Yoongi having crush on her ruins you.

Yeah, you envy her.

Shaking your head softly, you decided to focus on your works instead. You really need Min Yoongi off your mind for awhile.

But before you manage to do anything, a knock being heard and a delivery man appeared with a bouquet of Lavender Roses surrounded by white baby breath from your front door.

A smile crept into your lips as you heard his name being mentioned.

"Excuse me, it's a bouquet flower from MYG." but what's come next makes your smile faded in matter of seconds.


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