Chapter 9 - The Last Customer II

Start from the beginning

Natalie half-screamed. "Oh my, god!" 

While my best friend was excited after her ball hit a home-run, my eyes stuck on the attractive Lisa in front of me, thinking that I might drool any time soon if I kept staring at her. But it wasn't that easy to look away from her either, feeling how difficult it had become contrary to the first attempt I managed to perform. But now not anymore, I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Nice to meet you in person, detective...?" Natalie dragged her last word and I assumed that she forgot the name she should have remembered.

"Isaac," Lisa continued the sentence for my friend, blowing goosebumps all over my skin by the way she introduced herself. "Detective Isaac" Her eyes slowly found their way back at mine, and they stopped before she lowered her voice once again. "Nice to meet you too"

It was a small punch on my arm that saved the yakisoba from burning when Natalie elbowed me.

"Chae!" She spread her excitement to me, probably thinking that I wasn't aware of their conversation. "You recognise her, right?!"

Blinking my eyes for a couple of times, I finally could turn my head to the right. "Wh-what?"

"It's Detective Isaac!" She announced. "The female Sherlock Holmes!"

That was when I found out about how Natalie knew the woman in front of me. It wasn't by circles of friends nor rounds of vodkas, but by a famous validation that was given to the right woman in coat instead of a man in pants.

You made it in this universe, Lisa. Your hard work is finally paid off.

"No, please" Lisa's giggles called for attention. "I'm not that good yet"

"We don't buy humble ticket here, detective" Natalie teased and continued with the cleaning as I prepared the food container. The meal was almost done. "It's really an honour to have you here today"

"Thank you so much," Lisa didn't stop her mannerism as she kept seducing me with it. "By the way, which one of you is Miss Richards?"

I was surprised when she just pronounced my name, not only because of how soft it rolled along her tongue, but also by how observant she was. She must have taken a quick look at our 'Chef of the day' board on the frame.

"That will be the quiet one," A voice that wasn't mine answered her on behalf of me. "She was so chatty before, detective. I don't know why she's not talking now"

I could only grin to that taunt, already planning to beat my best friend when we reached home later. She would definitely earn something for humiliating me in front of this Lisa.

Chuckling, Lisa took another step closer to the wooden frame.

"Well, you may want to give attention to that" She amazed me again with her kind concern. "She looked like she had seen a ghost"

"Don't worry about that," Natalie laughed a little. "She's fine. She probably was just nervous meeting you, detective"

Apart from my desire for Natalie to stop teasing me in front of Lisa, she spoke the truth about that issue. I was anxious before and still nervous now as I transferred the freshly cooked yakisoba into its container.

"Were you, Miss Richards?" Lisa caressed my heart with her voice, almost making the wok slipped from my grip by its charm. "Did I scare you?"

She sounds like a call that lures me to dive into a lake, and later turns it into an ocean.

"I'm not doing any investigation," She continued.

I'm drowning yet her voice helps me breathe.

"Please don't be scared"

I'm not scared of you, Lisa, I'm in love.

Smiling, I extended my arm and handed her order. "One yakisoba to go. Six fifty, please"

"Keep the change," She said when I took the money from her in return. "For all the hassle to cook this"

"No, no no, it's not a trouble at all, Lisa-" I stopped myself when that call slid out in between my lips. Even her eyes expressed the shock of getting her first name spoken by someone she just met for the first time. "Detective, Isaac" I corrected the mess I did, praying that I didn't invite any awkwardness between us.

When I thought her smile couldn't be prettier than I had witnessed before, she gave me the sweetest one for my memory.

"That's alright, consider it as a tip then" She gestured a quick nod, probably was ready to leave. "Thank you so much, ladies" Lisa bid her goodbye, walking away from the stall that already sent sadness into my chest.

"Thank you, detective. Have a nice day!" Natalie replied to her in a way I wished I could have, but Lisa left me speechless.

Flashing her last charm, she spoke again before turning. "You two as well"

Please come again, Lisa.
I'll cook the best one only for you. Just, please come again.

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