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"I'm gonna do it." Cassian stood in front of the mirror, attempting to look overly tough and defensive, as usual. "I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it, I'm GONNA DO IT." Repeating the phrase was the only way this pep talk was going to work, so he continued to say the words, convincing himself that, yes, he was, in fact, going to do this. He had the courage. He had the nerve. He had the death wish that came with anyone willing to talk to Nesta Archeron.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH," He screamed at the mirror.

"What, did you see your reflection?" Rhysand's smug voice interrupted the pep talk and Cassian turned to glare at him. Rhys scanned him and then narrowed his eyes. "Did you brush your hair?"

"Maybe. So what if I did? You gonna fight me because I want to look presentable for once? FIGHT ME."

"What is up with you today?"

"NOTHING, NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME I HAVE SOMEWHERE VERY IMPORTANT TO BE." He shoved past Rhys and headed for the door, the High Lord following.

"Where do you have to be?"

"It's none of your business."

"Oh, I bet it is. I'm High Lord. Everything is my business."

"Shut up."

"Just tell me where you're going."

"Why do you care?"

"Because you won't tell me, which makes it EXTREMELY interesting." Cassian groaned. "Does Feyre know where you're going?"


"Uh huh." Rhys fell silent for a moment, and Cassian cursed in his head, knowing that he was asking down the bond if Feyre knew what he was up to.

Which, of course, she did. She was sworn to absolute secrecy, but she knew, so it was only a matter of time before Rhys knew. And if Rhys knew, then the entire Inner Circle would know. And if the Entire Inner Circle knew, the Mor and Amren would make sure the entire world knew.

And that was the absolute LAST thing Cassian wanted. 

Rhys's smug look turned to a scowl and he cursed under his breath.

"Something wrong?" Cassian asked.

"She won't tell me." Rhys crossed his arms and huffed. He was like a small child when things were kept from him. Cassian internally cheered, loving his High Lady even more than he already did.

"Then it must be boring, right? If she's not even interested enough to tell you."

"NO, That means it's even MORE INTERESTING, because Feyre keeps nothing from me!"

"That doesn't sound healthy."

"You're the one in love with Nesta. I don't think you get to talk to me about what is and is not healthy in a relationship."

"Ouch." Cassian shoved him and headed outside. "Can you leave now? I have to go."

"What if I just follow you there? Then what?"

"Then I'll tell Amren you broke something in her apartment." Rhys gasped.

"Wow, this must be really important if you're willing to risk my death over it."

"You wouldn't DIE-"

"No, you're right, but she'd nail my balls to a wall and then Feyre would be pissed."

"I'm sure she would be."

"Can't you just give me a HINT? PLEASE?"

"Do you seriously have nothing better to do with your time than to bother me about where I'm going? Where's Azriel? Why don't you go bother him?"

"I did, but he's out planting flowers with Elain so when I showed up and made a comment he did that thing where he glares at you and all the shadows go around him so I left before he murdered me."

"Yeah, you should know better than to mess with him when he's with Elain. Last time I did he buried me in the garden. I was coughing up dirt for weeks."

"Azriel needs better luck with his love life."

"I know."

"Then again so do you-"



"GOODBYE." Cassian launched into the air, and groaned as Rhys followed him.

"Just tell me where you're going."

"To fuck your wife." Rhys burst out laughing.

"There he is!" He shoved Cassian and winnowed away. Cassian rolled his eyes and headed on.

He'd tell Rhys what he'd done later, after he done it. They could go out with Azriel for drinks, either for celebration, or despair.

Cassian was pretty sure he knew which one it would be, but he still kept his hopes up as he landed outside the building Nesta lived in and headed inside.

He walked right into her apartment, not caring.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded. "Get out!"

"No," He retorted. "I have to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk to you, so get out!"

"Well we're gonna talk!"

"I don't talk to random stubborn Illyrians who barge into my home uninvited."

"Really? That's odd, cause we talk all the time."


"Or what?"

"Or I'll make you get out!" Cassian crossed his arms and grinned.

"Alright, fine. Make me." 

"UGH," Nesta stormed over, looking like every second Cassian was in her apartment was physically causing her pain. But instead of throwing something or shoving him out the door, she just walked past, leaving.

"Where are you going?" Cassian questioned. 

"If you won't leave, then FINE! I'll leave! You can have the apartment for all I care!"

"Well I'm sure that will be a great delight to all the male callers you have that will show up at the door." He ran after her.

"I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time killing them all."

"Who says I'll kill them? Maybe I'll use them the same way you do." Nesta shuddered at the thought. "Or does that bother you? The idea of me being with someone else?"

"That doesn't bother me. You stealing my lovers bothers me."

"What a shame, then. What if we compromised and both used them?"

"You are disgusting."

"And you are intolerable."

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?" Nesta whipped around to glare at him.

"I told you. I have to ask you something."

"Then ASK."

"Will you marry me?" Nesta paused, her glare never wavering.

"Fine." She huffed, storming past him, back into her apartment, and slamming the door. Cassian grinned. 

He did it.

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