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Elain stayed in her room for the most part after she was brought to Velaris. She didn't want to talk to anyone. She didn't want to learn who Amren was and why people were afraid of her. She didn't want to meet Mor. She didn't want to interact with Cassian or Azriel, or the guy her sister was in love with. 

And she DEFINITELY did not want to talk to Lucien. Never, if she could avoid it.

But somewhat luckily for her, Feyre was in the Spring Court, and that was causing chaos for all the people that would've wanted to meet her. Rhysand was trying not to be panicked every second, and Mor was attempting to tell him that Feyre would be fine while Amren screamed at him that he was an idiot and he needed to go to the Spring Court immediately and bring her back. Cassian and Azriel were just trying to make sure the world didn't fall apart around them, and Nesta was sulking.

They were all very busy, so Elain was surprised when there was a knock on her door. She answered it, assuming it was Nesta.

It wasn't Nesta.

Instead it was a tall Illyrian warrior, looking, somehow, like a puppy that had been left out in the rain.

"Azriel," Elain said, a bit unsure. "It is Azriel, right?"

"Yes," He smiled, pleased that she'd remembered. "Um..." He held out a small bouquet of flowers. "Feyre said you liked flowers, and since you stay here, I thought you might like some." His voice was quiet and shy, but he seemed sincere. 

"That's very kind of you," She accepted the flowers and played with their petals. When she finally looked up from the bouquet, Azriel was gone. "....Thank you!" She called to the empty hallway.

Elain wasn't sure how, but Azriel seemed to know exactly when the flowers died. She kept the bouquet in a vase in her room, but they only lasted so long. Every week or so, he'd show up with another bouquet, usually with another type of flowers. He never said much, and he never came inside, but the shadowy Illyrian was growing on her.

When things got better, and Elain started venturing out of her room more, Azriel still kept coming, lingering in her doorway a little longer the more comfortable she got.

He came by one week with a bouquet of daisies, and Elain grinned.

"Daisies are my favorite," She told him.

"I know," Azriel said softly. "Your eyes are happier when I bring them." Elain looked up and stared at him. He didn't budge, and he stood so still that she wasn't sure he was breathing.

"You're sweet," She told him, smiling. He blushed slightly, and the hint of a smile started to show on his face before he mumbled something and fled.

He brought nothing but daisies after that, and once she started venturing to the townhouse in Velaris, he visited her twice in one week, bearing a packet of seeds the second time.

"The townhouse has a garden," He said. "Nobody uses it. Amren and Mor are too impatient. I tried once, but Cassian and Rhys kept fighting there and trampling the plants. I heard you liked gardening, so if you want to use it, I'd like to help you."

"Did Rhysand say I could? I don't want to ruin his fighting grounds"

"He'd be happy if someone did." Azriel insisted. "There's a store in the city hat sells seeds and buds and everything you'd need. I could take you."

"I don't have any money for seeds."

"That's not a problem." Elain tilted her head.

"Why do you want to help me?" Azriel stared at the floor.

"I just want you to be happy."

Well, that settled it.

They went to the store, gathering all the supplies they'd need. Elain decided to grow daisies, of course, but also carrots (Azriel's favorite), Spinach (Nesta's favorite), and other vegetables.

Azriel helped her dig up the soil for the garden and carefully plant the seeds. He was a quiet worker, but Elain liked him. Rhysand, Feyre, and Cassian came by once, and Rhys insisted that he was glad she was using the space. Feyre was happy Elain was gardening again, and Cassian shouted something at them that made Azriel apologize, grab a small gardening shovel, and promptly run off to kick Cassian's ass.

They spent hours in the garden, watching and watering the plants and chatting occasionally. Azriel was a man of few words, and she didn't have a problem with that. He never asked her about Lucien or her former fiance or anything she didn't want to talk about, and she never asked about his scarred hands or how he'd become so good with the shadows. They just had an understanding, and Elain felt better when she was around Azriel than she did with anyone else in Velaris.

Maybe that was why, when they harvested all of the plants, and marveled at the harvest their hard work had given them, she kissed him.

His face went red as Cassian's siphons before he kissed her back.

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