"Tsunami came for a visit, and I tagged along with her." Anemone explained.

"Is Turtle with you?" Kinkajou asked. Anemone frowned and shook her head.

"No...I don't think anyone told him we were going..." Kinkajou's scales went a little redder, and Anemone made a note next time to drag her brother along with them on any trips to the rainforest so that he could distract Kinkajou, and leave her free to talk with Tamarin.

"Too bad," Tamarin grinned. "SOMEONE has been waiting for him to visit for AGES."

"SHUT UP!" Kinkajou said instantly. "We're not discussing him, and we're definitely not discussing him in front of-" She stopped herself, and glared pointedly at Anemone. 

"Well, if we're not discussing him, then we're not doing anything," Tamarin went on. "Anemone, do you want to make flower crowns with us?"

"Sure!" Anemone insisted, ignoring the look on Kinkajou's face. "I've never made a flower crown before."

"Well, then we'll be happy to teach you. ISN'T THAT RIGHT, KINKAJOU?" 

"Yeah yeah," Kinkajou huffed and they sat down.

"What kind of flowers are these?" There were at least three different kinds in the pile that Anemone could see. She knew next to nothing about flowers, but they were all Tamarin cared about, so she had to learn. Tamarin picked one up and felt at the petals before sniffing it. 

"Just some daffodils," She offered, handing the flower to Anemone. "We had a small festival yesterday to celebrate the spring, and everyone was using daffodils and glory-of-the-snow flowers because they bloom first, and because everyone loved the irony of using glory-of-the-snow around Queen Glory, although I think Morning glories suit her better."

"And as the flower expert of the rainforest, I'm sure you're right," Anemone insisted. Kinkajou watched her carefully, making a flower crown like she was some double agent on a mission. Tamarin's face blushed, and her scales went pink around the edges. 

"I wouldn't say I'm THE flower expert. I just know a lot about them."

"You're too modest," Kinkajou agreed. "Who could possibly challenge you on flower knowledge- Deathbringer?" They laughed, and Anemone nearly died at the sound. She thought that Tamarin's smile was as beautiful as it could get, but her laugh? Oh, Anemone was doomed. So doomed and head over heels. Coral would be furious, but she didn't even care.

"Deathbringer is horrible at flowers," Tamarin  explained. "He wouldn't know the different between a rose and a flowering quince until he got stabbed by their thorns." She smiled, and Anemone smiled back, pretending she had any clue what a flowering quince was. "Do you have many flowers in the Kingdom of the Sea?"

"Um, well," Anemone stumbled. Her face was red, she knew that, and she knew that Kinkajou could see that and she hated it, but it was impossible not to blush when the more pure, beautiful, and amazing dragon Anemone had ever met was talking to her. "We used to have lot of flowers at the Summer Palace, but there aren't many at the Deep Palace because it's all underwater."

"What happened to the ones at the Summer Palace?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said there USED to be flowers there. What happened to them?"

"Oh," Anemone's face fell. She had forgotten that Rainwings had stayed out of the war. Kinkajou and Tamarin probably only knew about the parts of it that Glory and the other Dragonets had told them. "The Palace was destroyed by the Skywings in the war... I assume the flowers burned with everything else."

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