"Cada dia, why? I've grown used to it." Ray frowned.

"Mea, amore, you know I love you, right?"

"Of course."

"Then I mean this in the kindest, õrn way possible, but.... Perhaps I could teach you how to act more normalmente around other dragons?"

"Why would I want to act normal at all?" Ander asked.

"I have no idea, it's quite boring. But if you knew how, perhaps you'd have an easier time interacting with others, and sympathizing with them."

"That makes sense..." She agreed. "Rin does often complain I'm difficult to talk to about normal sister stuff."

"Then let me help! You definitely shouldn't act normal all the time though, it's not you."

"Definitely no. I like me, kummaline ja kõik."

"I couldn't agree more."

And so Ray decided to teach Ander the basic concepts of 'normal' behavior, which was more difficult than he expected it to be.

"We'll start at the beginning," He offered. "As much as I adore Latin and the other languages, dragons here don't have access to them, so it would be more fair if you spoke to them solamente en draco."

"Is that why I'm the only one you use otros lenguas with?" Ander asked.

"Exactly. Dragons are scared away easily when they don't understand what you're saying." Ander shrugged.

"Bastante simple. What else?" She seemed eager to learn, which Ray took as a good sign. He was afraid that she would start to think that he wanted to change her somehow, which was most certainly not the case. Mea was perfect to him; he just thought that if she learned the ways of more average dragons, she'd be more accepted by others, and therefore even happier.

"Okay, pretend for a moment that I'm a dragon you've nunca met before. Vale?" 

"Impossible, but I'll attempt." She insisted.

"Okay. We're going to try to roleplay an introduction. I'll introduce myself, and you do the same."

"Understood." Ray backed up a few steps, and then walked up to her. 

"Hi," He said calmly, his voice even as he held out his talons. "My name is Manta-Ray. Who are you?" Ander bowed dramatically, her talons clasped together.

"Hello. My preferred title is Meander, but those who don't wish me harm call me Ander. It's an honor to meet your acquaintance." Ray dropped his hand.

"Not bad," He admitted. "But when a dragon holds their talons out to you, you're supposed to shake their hand. Let's try that. Hold out your talons."

Ander lifted her talons to the sky.


"I'm shaking hands with the stars," She explained, flailing her talons around as if she were attempting to do vigorous jazz hands. Ray grinned.

"For the stars? That's perfect. But for boring dragons, try this." He took her talons in his and they shook hands. Ander frowned.

"It's very formal."

"Exactly. That's why you only shake with dragons you're just meeting. For family and friends and dragons like me, you can hug us instead."

"Ah, yes. Hug. I have heard of this foreign concept before. Father has tried to teach it to me many times. Please demonstrate."

"Well, it's basically just like this." He walked up and hugged her. Ander went completely still.

"This is muy strange," She whispered.

"You probably shouldn't whisper to dragons while they hug you. Some think it's creepy." Ray explained. "I learned that one the hard way."

"This feels very one sided."

"Well, you're supposed to wrap yourself around me the same way." Ander reached out hesitantly. 

"Like this?"

"Perfect." Ray grinned. "This is how you hug."

"It's weird."

"I know." He let go and stepped back. "Anything else you want to learn about?" Ander paused for a second.

"I'll have to think about it."

"Well whenever you have any questions, you can ask me."

"I'd like to think about it now."

"Okay." She reached her arms out towards him.

"I think I thought better during hug." Ray smiled and he hugged her again. Ander nodded. "I like this one."

"Anytime you want a hug from me, Mea, all you have to do is ask."


And from then on, Ray was surprised to learn, Ander became a hugger.

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