Thirdly, Joy was WAY out of his league. Like, so far she might as well be standing on the moons themselves. Joy was too good for him. Too good, too smart, too pretty, the list went on.

If that's true, then why is she dating you in the first place? SHE picked YOU, remember? His very blood was singing with the truth he knew.

And  WHY was he arguing with himself over this in the first place? If everything agreed then what was the problem?

.....What if she doesn't love me back?

Ah, there is was. That.

That one little doubt that, depending on the answer, could now completely destroy Kelp as a dragon entirely. If Joy didn't love him, then what was the point of anything?

He didn't even think to question why he loved her. That part was obvious. Why she would ever love him in return? That was much less obvious. Honestly, the only think Kelp thought he had going for him was that he was reasonable intelligent and could dance, thanks to Joy.

He wondered what would happen if he just started screaming loudly in the middle of the hallway. Because that sounded like a great idea.

So he went outside, flew to the top of Jade Mountain, and started screaming, for, now that he'd accepted that he loved Joy, there was only one thing left to do.

Tell her.

He screamed louder.


Kelp didn't sleep for the next two days. He just lay awake in his sleeping cave, staring at the stone ceiling and trying not to panic. How was he supposed to tell Joy he loved her? Was this the sort of thing you made a grand gesture for, or was it just something you mentioned in conversation? He had no idea. He had nothing to base it off either. His own parents hardly ever said "I love you" to each other. They just called each other squidbrains a lot, and Kelp had come to learnt hat that was basically the same thing as I love you to them.

Was Kelp supposed to do that? Come up with a unique phrase to tell Joy he loved her without actually saying it? How was she supposed to know what he meant?

He needed help. He covered his face with his talons and groaned loudly.

"What?" Nightflyer's surprisingly awake voice asked.

"You're awake?" Kelp questioned.

"No, I sleep talk. OF COURSE I'M AWAKE. Why are YOU awake?" Kelp groaned again and Nightflyer sighed and rolled over so that they could see each other from their respective beds. "Talk to me."

"You can't tell anyone." Kelp said immediately.

"Okay, I promise." Kelp narrowed his eyes. "Cross my heart and hope Darkstalker eats me."

"....I think...." He made a face. "I think I'm in love with Joy." Nightflyer stared at him. Then his mouth moved like he was talking, but no sound came out. Then he stared some more, with his mouth open this time. Then he got out of bed and started pacing. Kelp watched him until eventually Nightflyer stopped, turned to him, his talons extended like he thought Kelp was mentally insane.

"....WHAT?" He proclaimed.

"I'm in love with Joy, and I don't know how to tell her."

"Y-You're. You're in love. With JOY."


"JOY." Kelp rolled his eyes.


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