Chapter One

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            "Hey Jones, you coming to my party tonight?" Screams Jacob. Knowing Sarah would drag me out of my house either way I simply say, "Yeah, I'll be there!" He goes back to talking with his other jock friends. I look around the lunch room for the only people I really talk to.
                When my eyes land on Calebs scruffy hair, I make my way over and sit next to him only just now realizing my mistake.
"Layla! Thank god, please tell Kade that Julia Hernandez has slept with literally the whole lacrosse team!"
By the grace of god Sarah sits down, "Who slept with the whole lacrosse team?" Caleb throws his hands up knocking the glasses off his face. He picks them up quickly and says, "Julia Hernandez!"
Sarah simply raises her brow and says, "Well, did she sleep with you Cal?" He narrows his eyes and replies, "No." she then shrugs, "Then she hasn't slept with the whole lacrosse team."
Kade jumps in happily, "See! I told you Cal!" Caleb looks at me for help I then place my chin in my hand and say, "I mean I did hear that she slept with Nathan the other day." Kade screams, "Whose side are you on Layla?"
I roll my eyes, this is why I never get involved. Cal jumps up onto the bench dramatically, "I told you she did! She even slept with Nathan right Layla?" He says the last part a little to loud, and I could already tell everyone thought he was saying I slept with Nathan. I grab his arm and yank him back into the seat, "Caleb what the hell-" I was cut off quickly when someone leans over my shoulder and whispers, "If you ever want to make that lie a reality, let me know doll face." I freeze as Nathan speaks.
He then walks away casually smirking. I have had the biggest crush on Nathan Cruise since preschool. So you could imagine my mental break down when I register what he said. Kade rolls his eyes, "Julia did not sleep with Nathan." Sarah takes a bite of her apple then speaks with her mouth full, "She wouldn't be the first girl to fall for his charms."
The best way to describe Sarah, was fearless. She was the outgoing and bold one of our group. She was a rare find, considering all the boys wanted but couldn't have her. Sarah doesn't really have a taste for men, but put a girl in short shorts in front of her and you'd know why. She has long blonde hair down to her mid back, with striking blue eyes.
"Whatever Kade, if you want to go out with her go out with her I'm just trying to save you from falling into her spell." My eyes snap up to Kade, he was going to ask out Julia?
Kade was the shy type, he didn't really talk to anyone besides us. He was like me in that way. Except Kade was a diabetic, which kept him benched at every game. Or at least that's the excuse the coach told him, everyone knew that it was actually for complete lack of talent though. He had long shaggy brown hair, with his thick lensed glasses hiding any chance of girls paying attention to him. I never thought he was unattractive, but most girls at our school called him four eyes.
Kade shook his head, "I never said I was going to ask her out Caleb! I just said I liked her shirt!" Caleb rolls his eyes muttering something about Kade being a sissy.
Caleb was the funny one of our group, he did most of the convincing. He could get us to do anything, just to get him to stop talking. He was more innocent in nature, but he is one of those people who can brighten your whole day with one clumsy mistake. Caleb had messy blonde hair that he definitely didn't pay much attention to. He wore glasses but the suited him a lot better than Kades did. He had one of those goofy smiles that would almost always make you smile along with him.
Sarah smiles at me innocently, "So.... We are going to Jacobs party tonight." Kade and I sigh simultaneously, both of us knew it was coming but we silently hoped some mystical force would stop her from finding out about it. Caleb smiles, "Hell yeah! I'm going to get all the ladies!"
None of us had the heart to tell him he was wrong.
After all attempts to get Sarah to skip just one party failed, we had arrived at Jacobs house. The party was in full swing, I could practically smell the hormonal drunk teenagers from the front door. Sarah knocks, and the door swings open. She smiles and gives Jacob a hug before screaming, "Where's the booze!" With her loud question, she disappeared instantly in the crowd.
Caleb slid his way past Jacob in hot pursuit of Sarah. Kade and I walked in together, and I waved at Jacob before walking quickly inside. Kade spotted two open spots on one of he couches, and we hurried over to it. Neither of us had ever drank before so we as find somewhere to hangout until the other two are ready to go home.
Kade screams over the music, "I... I wasn't going to ask out Julia, just so you know." I look at him oddly, "Um, okay. I mean if you want to do it. I support you." I'm not exactly sure why he felt the need to tell me that.
"So is your Uncle still out of town?" I nod, "Yeah, he's in new York settling the deal." My uncle owns a huge oil corporation. Due to us living in such a small non prosperous town, he was usually away leaving me and my younger brother Atlas home.
All of the sudden a guy with a huge wolf mask pops up in front of us causing us both to scream and jump back. Instantly images flash inside my head.
I suddenly was in a 6 year olds body. "Layla you stay in this closet and don't come out no matter what do you hear me?" My mom yells desperately in my face. I nod quickly not truly understanding the situation at hand.
I heard screaming so I came out ignoring my moms orders. Only to see a giant wolf attacking my dad. I watch in fear as it bites into his torso with ease.
My mom screams in fear, and tries to jump on the creature. It growls throwing her violently into a wall. My dad was still on the ground a whole where his side once was. My mother was silent against the wall.
That's when the wolf turns towards me growling lowly, it moves in-front of me it's ginormous canines dropping with blood. I didn't scream, or cry, and I definitely didn't move.
I gasp back into reality, my chest heaved up and down as I realized I was having a panic attack. Kade tries to calm me, and I say, "I'm fine! I'm fine stop!" He let's go of me and I fight to control my breathing. I knew I was breathing due to the rise and fall of my chest, but it felt as if I wasn't.
The kid with the mask pulls it off and says, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to flip out like that." He laughs drunkenly and Kade says, "I should kick your ass!" The kid laughs it off and says, "Your blood sugars rising you should be careful."
He walks away laughing, and I grab Kades arm now trying to calm him. If I was going to get through this night I needed to do a lot more than sit here.
"I'm going to have a drink." Kades eyes widen and he says, "Then I will too!" We both stand up, and push through the crowd of drunken teens. We walk into the kitchen and I see something called "Four Loko" I grab one of the cans and hand one to Kade. We both look at it weirdly before cracking it open. This is not going to be good.
When I was done with the horrible tasting green apple can, I toss it to the side. Kade and I decide to head out back. I walk over to the swimming pool with a new found joy. Kade looked pretty pale but I couldn't tell if that's how he normally looked or not. I scream loudly, "I want to go swimming Kade!" Jacobs group of friends all cheer for me, and I don't give him any time to answer. I jump in the pool quickly, my white tshirt floats upward exposing my breasts. I see a bunch of other people jump in before I feel two arms snake around my waist pulling me to the side.
I had expected it to be Kade trying to pull me out of the water, but then I saw the piercing green eyes of Nathan Cruise. I giggle a little bit, "My hero!" He smirks at me, and says, "You can call me whatever you want darling." He pulls me flush against his chest, and I say, "You know I've had a crush on you for like soooo long. I've always wanted to do this." I smash my lips onto his, and we fight for dominance with our tongues.
He ended up winning, and his hands found there way into my hair pulling it aggressively. When we pull away I was out of breath completely. I then see Kades face, and he really did not look to good. "Kade? Are you okay?" He wobbles on his feet slightly before saying, "Alcohol, diabetic!" My eyes widen in drunken realization. He's diabetic his blood sugar could crash.
All of the sudden he takes off towards the woods. I pull out of Nathan's arms, and climb out of the pool earning a bunch of hoots and hollars from the guys. I run as fast as I can into the woods, I couldn't see anything due to it being dark. "Kade!" I call out for him.
My vision was distorted, god what was I thinking!
I hear a scream in the distance and I freeze. Every fiber in my body was telling me not to move, but I knew my friend was in trouble so I sprint towards the sound of agonizing screams. I hear a howl, and freeze once more. No... I couldn't let this happen again without at least trying to save him.
I run forward again, and then I see a huge wolf towering over Kade. "Get away from him!" I cry out at the beast. It looks up at me and growls, before walking right up in front of me. Blood drips from its canines just like the night my parents were killed.
I see that Kade wasn't moving and tears spring to my eyes, "What the hells wrong with you! Why are you doing this?" I don't know what made me think it would understand me, but it took a protective stance in front of Kade. Fear left my body as I run at the wolf. "Go away! Shoo!" It growls at me and gives me an odd look as if saying 'did you really think that would work?'
With one last attempt at reasoning with the beast I say, "Please! He's my friend!" But I trip backwards slightly, all of the sudden I was hit with a wave of dizziness. It felt wrong. The wolf seemed to move closer. Suddenly I lose my footing and fall harshly onto the ground.
                 Black dots blur in and out of my vision, and I see the wolf towering over me.
                  The last thing I thought before I blacked out was,
                   Are me and Kade going to die?

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