And so was born a God

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Becoming a God wasn't what he thought it would be. Besides the incredible power and almost omnicience, it wasn't the roses most thought it was...
Well... At least, finally Akihito was a God. No more an half a thing, bound to suffer to consequences of being diferent.
No more dying.
He made quite a vision, flooting on air with his legs crossed. Using his Divine power for selfish desire.
The first thing he did, after saving Asami of course, was to give the gift of immortaly to Asami.
Then, with his mind,he search it for his friends. Tokyo was destroyed.
"Glasses" was gone. So was the big blond one. Asami was going to be crushed. When he awake up, of course. The princess was  still asleep after the shock.
Kou didn't survived either. His body was somewhere beneath of what was left of his apartment. His other friend, though, and his family were going to be fine. They were in the hospital, but they would be fine.
To his delight, Feilong was actually alive too. The bastard. He thought foundly.
Japan was only the first. The world would endure the same tragedy unless he found a way to save it.
Althought, he was a God, it didn't mean he had all the answers.
He did know, though, that he needed to find Niklos and the Witch. She knew the prophesy.
If only he could found those two as easly as he found others.... (٥↼_↼)
Damned Magic!
Damned Witch!


Niklos, for some stupid reason, decided to go to China. Why? Just because he felt like it. Yes, he wanted to find Hector/Akihito, but his apartment went to hell. Tokyo and Japan in general, was doomed.
His Mother was pissed.
She glared at him from the other side of the hotel room.
Ready to spit fire. And stomping her feet.
Niklos couldn't care less. He was going to eat duck.
So! Suck it, Mommy!

Meanwhile, Asami awoke up.
He was no longer flooting. But he wasn't home either.
He was on a bench... Was that part of Tokyo tower!?
Where the hell was he!?
Asami searched for his phone, but was missing.
He was in middle of a Tokyo wreckage... alone.
_"Asami"- called Akihito.
_" you wake up! Finally!- yelled Akihito. Running between the wreckage.
_ Akihito!- Asami said, relieved.
And embraced his lover.

Niklos wasn't so lucky.
Ji cursed his duck to always came burned.
The evil Witch!
His poor duck! So inocent.
Niklos shed some tears for the poor bird. And his stomach.

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