The end is coming

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Warning: bad writing! Also, short chapter...

The Gods were dead.
Some were aware of it. Those few blessed with some sort of  power.
It had happen long ago and humanity had been alone for centuries.
First was the Atlantic pantheon. Then the greek meet the same fate some time after. No God was spared.
Human race was going in the same direction.
To become existint.
The world was facing it ultimate challange. Should it fail it would be its last. No second chances.
There was some hope.
In the time of great gods, a witch was born. A very cunning and powerful witch.
She saw this end.
She also knew its possible savior.
In order to the hero not be alone when the time came, Ji used her power of Sight to give the world a better chance.
The witch laid with the Atlantic god of war and beared him a son. Niklos, fated to be the faithfull guardian and adoring brother of the chosen one.

The end was definitely coming....

Akihito awoken with a startling feeling of dread.
Asami was still sleeping, unaware.
The young man couldn't shake the feeling. The world was wrong. He was wrong too. His body small for his soul.
For a moment, humanity left him. And he heard the universe for the first time.
The world was sending a distress call. Dying.
Takaba Akihito ascending came like lightning.
One minute was still mortal and weak. Then, godhood stroke like lightning.
His very being was filled with raw power.
He become fully aware.
The penthouse exploded.
Asami almost died. Akihito protected him. By pure instint. Unffortutelly, all others in the building had perished.
Asami awoke.
The crime lord was fluting in the air right next to a shining Akihito.
Like, WTF! Asami thought. I'm dreaming. Its a fucking dream. Not real. Then he fell asleep again. Sometimes, human mind can not process certain things imediately. Things like flooting. In the fucking sky.

Niklos awakened with a goddamned sound of an explosion. In the middle of Tokyo. (((;ꏿ_ꏿ;)))
_ Ma!- called Niklos.
Ji was behind him with her arms crossed.
_ Told ya... World ending, ya know...
Niklos stared, speachless.
Maybe was time to actually find Hector.

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