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Akihito was running. Breathing was hard, his legs so heavy,that he could hardly move. But fear gave him strenght, that he didn´t know he had to keep running. He was terrified. Fear was all he knew,his whole being. Nothing but darkness around him,no lights,no cars,no pleople,no houses, nothing but a great and almost palpable darkness. A thing was chasing him. And was not giving up! So close to him,that Akihito could almost hear his breathing.

Akiihito's heart beating was so loud that he feared it would be heard. Tears were rolling down in his aterrified face. Then the thing caught him. He struggled and yelled.


The unknow man with spiky black hair was sitting in the center of a strange circle,naked and his eyes closed.

Suddenly,feeling something was wrong, he opened his grey eyes. He felted it, then, right in his core,the child was suffering. Then, in a heartbeat, he released his essence and power to help the boy he loved and cared so very much.


Asami awoke with his lover screams.

Worried, he tried to wake him. Shooked him,slapped him. But Akihito didn't wake up, stuck in his nightmare. 

When Asami was about to bring the young man to the bathroom to give him a cold shower, to his absolute incredulity,he saw a shadow with the form of a man extending his armas to akihito and embrace him with tenderness. Almost immediately,the screams stopped. Akihito looked in peace now. 

After making sure Akihito was okay, the misterious shadow left the boy and returned to part of the shadows in the room.

Relieved, Asami sighed and thanked whatever that shadow was, a god, a spirit, whatever that was, he was thankful. Returning to Akihito side, he embraced him and whispered conforting words.

If he hadn't saw that shadow with his own eyes, Asami would laught at the mention of something supernatural. Now, with that in mind, he didn't know what to believe in anymore,just moments ago, he believed he could only count on himself and his own strenght. What a hell was that thing?! Why did he help Akihito? A ghost? A guardian angel? Not human for sure! Anyway, i'm glad that the nightmare is gone,with the murder of one of his friends,its normal that kind of things happens! A will think about it again in the morning.


The essence returned to the body. Tired,the naked man fell asleep on the circle. But the smile didn't leave his face until morning. After all, he had touched his precious boy, he had been so close.

With this thought in mind, he falled into dreamland smiling.

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