3 | my love | yan!markus x reader imagine

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yANDERE MARKUS IS FUCKING HOT. thank you for coming to my ted talk-
anyway, i'm running a little low on inspiration so it's just an imagine today. i wanted to do something morbid and uncomfortable, because yan!markus is my new obsession and he is nothing if not that. it's a bit shorter than usual because again, low inspo >:'((

- implied & refernced murder
- unhealthy possessiveness
-minor bodily harm (fully consensual and as a kink-thing, not a violence-thing)
- mentions of bondage
- it's just generally very uncomfortable tbh

if any of these things are triggering or upsetting to you, then please skip this chapter. the absolute last thing i want is to harm anybody's mental health. :((

please bear in mind that this behaviour in real life is not cute, and people like this are just going to end up hurting/killing you too.
fantasies are all fine and good but outside of that? you better run.
abusive relationships are awful and i do NOT condone any such behaviour. i may be a kinky bastard but shit like this is only okay as consensual roleplay !!

with that out the way, i hope you enjoy this kinky trashfire because i sure had fun writing it :')

markus as your partner

- he's so gentle and sweet and full of love when he's with you - he plays with your hair and whispers pretty things into your ear; tells you that you're beautiful every other second and smiles warmly as you blush.

- people who flirt with you disappear and don't come back.

- he hardly ever uses your name - he prefers to call you 'my love', even if (especially if) you're in public.

- sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and he's gone. you hear strange noises coming from the alleyway outside. markus comes back with blood on his clothes. you've forgotten all about it by the time he's finished fucking you.

- he likes to leave his mark on you, whether it's with hickeys or deep bite marks or pretty little cuts from his knife.

- the cuts are his favourite. he'll use the knife to sketch his latest art idea onto you, something elegant, morbid in its beauty, then play with your hair as he holds you through the night.

- he'll tie you up nice and fuck you raw if you let him.

- he always asks before he does anything to you, so sweet and softly. not that you'd ever want to say no. you love him so much it's almost painful. you are h i s .

- he once told you that the thought of him upsetting you makes him want to rip out his thirium pump regulator. he's done worse to people who've done less. it was so ridiculously android of him that you couldn't help but laugh. you're not sure whether it's terrifying or painfully hot, the way he finds it so easy to kill for you.
maybe the terror is part of the appeal.

- you know he's psychotic but he treats you like a princess. that's all that matters, right?

detroit become human oneshots ☆ requests openWhere stories live. Discover now