1 | golden | connor x reader imagine

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mornings with connor

- he always comes out of stasis before you wake up, so he can look at you in the morning light as you awaken. you would find it creepy if he wasn't so sincere. once said that he finds you so beautiful there's nothing that brings him greater joy. weird-ass androids.

- as soon as you wake up, he smiles at you - a big, dopey, loving beam of a smile that makes your heart swell.

- and of course straight after that, he moves in to hug you. he adores being in contact with you, whether it's a workplace-appropriate peck on the cheek or full-on spooning like he does with you in the mornings. (he's the little spoon.)

- he loves it when you play with his hair; sometimes you jokingly braid his little curl and he glows with happiness.

- from the moment you wake up to when you have to force yourself (and sometimes him) to get out of bed, he whispers constant I-love-yous and and praise. once you asked him why he does it, and he said that the 'thought of you being unaware of your worth to me is deeply distessing'.

- he told you, way back when you first became friends, that he loves the sound of your voice: so you always mumur to him as you play with his hair or cuddle with him. it's nothing important, just little pieces about your plans for the day or childhood memories or how pretty he looked in that blue shirt yesterday. he adores it all the same.

- you both have things to do and jobs to get to, so connor has to (gently) repeatedly remind you to get up, until he has to untangle himself from you and roll you off the bed himself. it's not your fault it's so hard to get up. he's the one who got you so sleepy with his soft hugs and softer hair.

- when you have a little extra time to spare, or on weekends, connor will come into the shower with you. he can self-clean in the blink of an eye any time he wants - but he tells you he enjoys the steam and the way you look in the water. you don't normally like others messing with your hair, but when he asks so earnestly if he can wash it there's no way you can say no.

- sometimes simon drops in with some freshly baked goods (usually a sourdough loaf or some deliciously gooey chocolate-chip cookies) from the bakery he and markus just opened. connor tries to insist on paying but simon has none of it. says with a sweet & genuine smile that it's the least he can do for them, and that he enjoys talking to you anyway. you're almost late to work after you spend so long chatting to him.

- ralph and a couple of his boyfriends, jerry, have opened up a florists in town. jerry are lovely, if not kinda creepy, and ralph is good friends with you and connor. you always make sure to buy a boquet to put in a vase at home or your desk at work - ralph's flower arrangements are incredible. again, connor has to drag you away from the conversation so you're not late to work.

- connor holds your hand as you walk, keeping up a constant stream of conversation about the birdsong (you can identify at least four seperate songs now, thanks to him) or the flowers or his plans for the day. you prefer to just listen, smiling softly as you watch him.

- he's so passionate about everything he talks about - watching him get excited telling you about the adorable video of sumo hank sent him is the sweetest thing ever. his brown eyes light up and he gets very animated; it's so endearing you can't look away.

what's up FUCKER, i've never written an imagine before, but i was running low on my will-to-write juice so i decided to give it a shot.
if you have any requests for imagines with connor/any other character, i'd be more than happy to oblige!! <3

have a good fucking day or perish. there is no other option. sorry but i don't make the rules

detroit become human oneshots ☆ requests openOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora