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Maddie's POV

"What do you want for your birthday? Turning ten is a big deal after all." I laugh pulling the cap he's wearing, to hide his hair, over his eyes. "For you and John not to suck face in front of me."

"It was one time, and we weren't even sucking faces," I scoff lowering my voice so the people in the bookstore can't hear us. I told him I'd sneak him out of the mansion for the first time since his powers came in, which was two years ago, and he told me he wanted to go to a bookstore.

Why when we have a library with every book known to man, I don't know? By it's not my day, so I took him to a boutique and a cafe that were also on this street as well which he enjoyed. It was a struggle getting out of the mansion in a car without anyone seeing, and since I don't have a license I figured I should make our adventure a bit more exciting.

Of course there would be no need to sneak out if Mom and Dad could get over their protective ways. It's been six years since the government ordered a strike on us you would think they would let up since nothing has happened, and that's not because they've imprisoned us to the mansion grounds.

"His mouth was open like this," Max groans snapping me back to reality, and to make sure I understand his pain he demonstrates what John's mouth looked like opening and closing it like a fish. "Thank you for the visual." An older lady walks by catching the end of our conversation, and her jaw unhinges her eyes looking me over like I'm trailer trash she wants to scold.

Trust me lady you'd have to get in line it seems to be everyone's favorite pastime nowadays.

If I so much as think of kissing John my papa is all over me reminding me to be responsible, we can't even hold hands unless there's a foot between us. It's like since my mom had me at the wrong time they're worried I'll automatically do the same unless they intervene.

Which sucks because I'm sixteen years old, and it feels like I have to right my parents wrongs singlehandedly and my family has no faith in me. It also doesn't help that Cassidy has taken a liking to reminding me that I'm a bastard every chance she gets.

"Hey Mads, you alright?"

My little brother, who is perfection in my family's eyes, tugs on my arm blue eyes glimmering with concern like the perfectly compassionate boy he is. I can't say anything though because if we were to get in trouble for our spectacle today, I'd take all the blame.

Which I guess that's the reason everyone believes he's so great, and I guess they're not wrong even I believe he's the best little brother. Max excels at school, he's mastered his powers, he never outright looks for trouble, and he has the voice of an angel to back this all up.

"Just tired, little bro," I laugh looking over the large book that he's selected. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is almost to heavy for him to hold, but even as he stumbles with it in his hands he's smiling widely. "It just came out!" He cheers jumping up, but in the process he knocks off his hat that's hiding his white tipped hair.

I scramble to pick it up, but my own contacts are messing with my eyes so he finds it before I do. Standing up frantically I try to inconspicuously look around, but no one is gawking at us. I'll take it as a good sign. "Why do we have to disguise ourselves, why can't you just use your powers?"

He's whispering, but there's still a part of me that immediately panics glancing around to make sure there aren't any lurking old ladies. "Because telepathy and negation are a lot harder to hone in, and I'm not risking giving us away. Even if hats make your hair greasy, and contacts burn my eyes."

I lead him through the store up to the clerk waiting anxiously as a girl close to my ace rings us up. Every few seconds she looks up at me, and each time she seems a little more freaked out making me grow antsy. She hands me the book with a sharp glare, but her hand is still trembling as she chews her lip.

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