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Kaitlyn's POV

"Okay John all you have to do is aim. Line your hand up with your target and let it go." I explain to the little boy while nervously helping him light his hand on fire with the small lighter. "Why aren't the targets bodies?" He asks voice going high and squeaky as he excitedly tosses the small ball of fire from hand to hand.

"Because that's narcissistic." I respond using my best gentle mom voice as I chide him while lining him up. He lets his arm pull back for a little more humph, but when he lets it go the flaming ball immediately goes sideways.

It all happens in slow motion, and all I can do is watch in horror as it smacks Peter in the back from where he's helping Kurt with Clarice. "Shit!" He shouts jumping ten feet in the air spinning around to glare at John and I.

"Language!" At least five people shout from all across the Danger Room, and now I'm bent in half trying to stop myself from cracking up as he makes his way over. Poor little John however looks like he might pee his pants as Peter, who's not even that scary, glares down at him.

"Maddie get the fire extinguisher!" I shout through deep belly chuckles only laughing more when Peter's jaw drops in disbelief. "I'd be more concerned if your suit wasn't fireproof."

Maddie jumps out of nowhere, and without hesitating let's the fire extinguisher rip on her father. She gets more on his face than on the fire, but it still manages to go out. Peter wipes at his eyes, and spits some of the foam out of his mouth.

"Do you think you got it?" He spats, but her little mind that I swear moves like his has already wandered.

"I was watching from the side Johnny. That was a lot closer this time." She gushes giving him a big smile while holding her hand up for a high five.

"If anything it was-"

"Shush dear." I sigh pulling him away with his mouth agape as our daughter all but shoves out the door of the Danger Room. "I would say that's enough practice today John-"

"Agreed." She cuts me off, and drags him out before us whether he wants to or not.


Kaitlyn's POV

"He's a punk." Peter scolds as he lies down in bed next to me. I turn on my side to face him reaching to run my fingers through his messy, even though less floppy these days, silver hair. "You were a punk, she comes by it naturally."

"I don't like him." He shrugs silver eyes daring me to challenge him, which I will gladly do. "He's a kid, that's terrified of you might I add." I chuckle finding myself snuggling into his side. I take his hand and wrap it around my waist hoping he'll start to wind down.

"As he should be-"

"They're seven if they want to mess around, and have pretend weddings then let them." I go to lie on his chest, but I just hit the mattress as he dartd out of bed. "They had a wedding?" He whisper shouts glancing at Max's cradle, he's not as sound a sleeper as Maddie is.

"They had a wedding?" He asks again more quietly voice shaking, and I sit up wincing because I think I've broke him. "Peter everyone gets "married" when they're younger. In kindergarten I had a wedding with Ryan Debenski." Really it's sweet and adorable how bothered he is by this, and it's terrible that I'm enjoying it so much.

Now I think I've really broke him. His pacing stills, and he's standing oddly and stiffly still. "You're married to Ryan Debenski?" He asks softly eyebrows raising as he finally looks at me, and I collapse onto our bed.

"It doesn't count!" I shout frustration spilling out, but as soon as I do my hand smacks up to cover my mouth. We both pivot to stare with horrified expressions as we wait for Max to start sobbing.

For a second it feels like he won't, but just when I'm about to breathe a sigh of relief he starts crying hysterically. "I got him I woke him up." I start to get up, but Peter pushes me back down.

"I'll do it, apparently I only have so many years before he gets married." He chuckles going over and picking up Max who is so fussy he's kicking. "Try to get some sleep." He then leaves probably taking him outside, that always seems to calm him down, and I slowly like back down my eyelids feeling suddenly heavy.

Peter's POV

I walk along the lawn kicking up grass here and there, and rocking Max helping him calm down. Really though he stopped crying as soon as he saw the dark night sky. I'm not sure why, but something about the stars has always calmed him and Maddie.

This time when I kick up dirt it's rougher, and Max's sniffling stops and his large blue eyes stare up at me surprised. "Sorry buddy, it's just your sister is growing up and it's hard for me." I sigh ruffling his hair that's darkening again maximoff genes taking over.

At least this time he has Kaitlyn's eyes, and her soft features. So far all Maddie has gotten from her is her short stature.

I sigh again feeling nothing but pathetic. How can I go from dreading everyday that passes in her life to I can't wait to watch her grow within minutes. She's already as brilliant as Kaitlyn, so I'm excited to see how far she can go. But we're crossing into new territory with this boy stuff, even if she is just seven, and I have no idea how to act.

Now I know why Destiny resented me so much, even if she was drunk half the time and her screws were all loose because of it.

Day to day if it feels like nothing, meals are excruciatingly long and late nights with Max seem to go on, but I swear it was just yesterday that even this little boy in my arms was fighting for his life and I realize what little time I have.

Then I think of my poor mother who acted like she couldn't get rid of me fast enough despite the speed that plagued our lives. I had my own kid at 17, and I was pushed from my home at the same time and couldn't see her. Does she ever wish she could rewind the clock, and watch Lorna and I grow up all over again?

Now I'm thinking of all of our parents. My dad lost everything because of hateful people, but he was really the one that went down the dark path. Sure we're fine now but by the time he really got to know me I was already grown up. Then he lost my sister in a second of fear which also stemmed from his past choices. I know he feels accountable for all of this, but I wonder how much time he spends wishing he could go back.

And Charles he lost everything, again we're together now but for how long? Even Destiny, in her drunken fits does she think about all her wrongs and wish to change them? Raven for as strong and stoic as she is does she wish to go back just to have a day with her son?

I know I would...

I would move through time and space just to seem them for one more day if I ever lost them.

"I know one thing buddy, and that's I love you and your sister more than you will ever be able to comprehend." I lean down and kiss his forehead, and once I do he seems to drift back off back to dreamworld where nothing bothers him.

Gasoline- Sequel To It All Started That One DayWhere stories live. Discover now